iTaSC wiki
iTaSC (instantaneous Task Specification using Constraints) is a framework to generate robot motions by specifying constraints between (parts of) the robots and their environment. iTaSC was born as a specification formalisms to generalize and extend existing approaches, such as the Operational Space Approach, the Task Function Approach, the Task Frame Formalism, geometric Cartesian Space control, and Joint Space control.
The iTaSC concepts apply to specifications in robot, Cartesian and sensor space, to position, velocity or torque-controlled robots, to explicit and implicit specifications, and to equality and inequality constraints. The current implementation, however, is currently still limited to the velocity control and equality constraints subset. An example:: Human-Robot Comanipulation
the documentation effort lags behind the conceptual and implementation effort, the best documentation can be found in our papers! (see Acknowledging iTaSC and literature)
It is currently highly recommended to use the Devel branch, a formal release is expected soon (iTaSC DSL and stacks).
Please post remarks, bug reports, suggestions, feature requests, or patches on the orocos users/dev forum/mailinglist.
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