Documentation suggestions
From recent discussion on ML, simply a place to put down ideas before we forget them ...
- Use Wiki for FAQ instead of XML doc
- My shared libraries won't load
- The deployer won't load my plugins
- Can I use dynamic memory allocation, and where?
- How do I run in real time? ie how do I configure my system to allow
Orocos to run in real-time
- Why do I have periodic delays when attaching a remote deployer?
- Configuring OmniORB instead of TAO
- OmniORB options for IDL
- How do I set a client application using pyOmniOrb (OmniORB python bindings)?
<quote> Actually it's an option of the omniidl compiler... the command to use is
omniidl -bcxx -Wba myIdlFile.idl
This will become definately a FAQ item :-) <quote>
<quote> When your text is not appearing on your wiki page, it's because you ended your wiki page with an indented line. So if your last line is:
this is my last line
the wiki code clears the whole page. It's clearly a Drupal/wiki module thing/bug. <quote>
- Is it possible to log messages from scripts and state machines?
Check out OCL's HmiConsoleOutput component.
- What is the coding style used by Orocos?
You can take a look at the CODING_STYLE.txt file. Also, we worked out the indentation rules for Eclipse and Emacs.
- Error linking readline with OCL's taskbrowser
- Seems like I have to first read up on Activities. Can you point me to a good example for such a component test and mockobject in rtt/tests?
- Hello world as an application
- Hello world with the deployer
- Use of reporting component
- CMake and non-standard install location for Orocos
- Distributed deployment - ie how to use more than one deployer, and setting up CORBA
- Adding types to Orocos
- Adding types to Orocos+Corba
- Changing ReadDataPort/WriteDataPort to DataPort for CORBA-based deployment
System examples
- Examples like Stephen proposed earlier
- Focus on : Kinematics, path planning, HMI/interfacing
- Similar to Robotics with without kinematics or path planning
- Master controller that controls slave devices through a state machine
- Focus on : state machines & events
- Sensor data processing using various distributed components
- Focus on : Data flow