Here we will explain how you can use the geometric relations semantics in your application, in particular using the Orocos Kinematics and Dynamics library as a geometry library, supplemented with the semantic support.
roscreate-pkg myApplication geometric_semantics_kdl
This will automatically create a directory with name myApplication and a basic build infrastructure (see the roscreate-pkg documentation)
roscd myApplication
touch myApplication.cpp
#include <Pose/Pose.h> #include <Pose/PoseCoordinatesKDL.h>
using namespace geometric_semantics; using namespace KDL;
Rotation coordinatesRotB2_B1=Rotation::EulerZYX(M_PI,0,0); Vector coordinatesPosB2_B1(2.2,0,0); KDL::Frame coordinatesFrameB2_B1(coordinatesRotB2_B1,coordinatesPosB2_B1)
Then use this KDL coordinates to create a PoseCoordinates object:
PoseCoordinates<KDL::Frame> poseCoordB2_B1(coordinatesFrameB2_B1);
Then create a Pose object using both the semantic information and the PoseCoordinates:
Pose<KDL::Frame> poseB2_B1("b2","b2","B2","b1","b1","B1","b1",poseCoordB2_B1);
Pose<KDL::Frame> poseB1_B2 = poseB2_B1.inverse()
rosbuild_add_executable(myApplication myApplication.cpp)
rosmake myApplication
and the executable will be created in the bin directory.
You will get the semantic output on your screen.