updateProperties and Reporting

Dear all,

I try to report some data, in the deployer.xml file I state:

<struct name="Reporter" type="OCL::FileReporting">
<struct name="Activity" type="PeriodicActivity">
<simple name="Period" type="double"><value>0.01<value><simple>
<simple name="Priority" type="short"><value>1<value><simple>
<simple name="Scheduler"
<simple name="AutoConf" type="boolean"><value>1<value><simple>
<simple name="AutoStart" type="boolean"><value>0<value><simple>
<simple name="LoadProperties"
<struct name="Peers" type="PropertyBag">
<simple type="string"><value>Scene<value><simple>
<simple type="string"><value>LaserMotion<value><simple>

When I change LoadProperties to UpdateProperties, the reporter component
updates all properties except for the ReportData propertyBag!
He doesn't read the ReportData (see below)
Is this expected behavior?


0.343 [ ERROR ][ReportingComponent] No port or component configuration
0.343 [ ERROR ][ReportingComponent] Please use
marshalling.loadProperties(), reportComponent() (scripting) or
LoadProperties (XML) in order to fill in ReportData
Listing TaskContext Reporter[U] :

Configuration Properties:
bool SnapshotOnly = false (Set to true to only
log data if a snapshot() was done.)
bool WriteHeader = true (Set to true to start
each report with a header.)
bool Decompose = true (Set to false in
order to create multidimensional array in netcdf)
bool Synchronize = false (Set to true if the
timestamp should be synchronized with the logging)
PropertyBag ReportData = 0 Properties (A PropertyBag which
defines which ports or components to report.)
string NullSample = last (The characters
written to the log to indicate that no new data was available for that
port during a snapshot(). As a special value, the string 'last' is
interpreted as repeating the last value.)
string ReportFile = bla.dat (Location on disc to
store the reports.)