warning: 'getRTTPluginName' has C-linkage specified, but returns user-defined type ' ORO_TYPEKIT_PLUGIN( )

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 6:09 PM, Andrew Wagner
<andrew [dot] wagner [..] ...> wrote:
> We are compiling our components with clang++. In the components for
> which we (Milan) have written nice typekits, we are getting the
> following compiler warning:
> LEDTrackerTypekit.cpp:25:1: warning: 'getRTTPluginName' has C-linkage
> specified, but returns user-defined type '

Update: I was able to silence the warning by adding
-Wno-return-type-c-linkage to the compile command we use for our
orocos components.


>From the clang documentation it looks like you might be able to add
something like the following:

#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wreturn-type-c-linkage"

somewhere, although I have no idea if there is a way to get the
preprocessor to put the #pragma inside the ORO_TYPEKIT_PLUGIN macro...


P.S. Sorry for forgetting to add a subject line the first time.