There are also build instructions for building some of these packages manually here: How to build Debian packages
The rest of this page mixes installing Java and building Orocos toolchain sources. In case you used the Debian/Ubuntu packages above, only do the Java setup.
Do the following in Synaptic at the same time:
* sun-java6-bin * sun-java6-jre * sun-java6-plugin * sun-java6-source
Install the following:
Using Synaptic get all the omniOrb packages that are not marked as transitional or dbg and have the same version number. (Hint: do a search of omniorb then sort by version) Include the lib* packages too.
I do not like the bootstrap/autoproj procedure of building Orocos. I prefer using the the standard build instructions found in the RTT Installation Guide
Errata in RTT Installation Guide:
Make sure to enable CORBA by using this cmake command:
cd log4cpp;mkdir build;../configure;make;make install
Now: cd ocl;mkdir build;cmake ..;make;make install
JDK BUG for JDK 6.0_18 and above FIX on 64bit systems
Put this in your eclipse.ini file under -vmargs: -XX:-UseCompressedOops
Get Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers,. Unzip it somewhere and then do:
cd eclipse ./eclipse
You can use Orocos packages in Eclipse easily. The easiest way is when you're using the ROS build system, since that allows you to generate an Eclipse project, with all the correct settings. If you don't use ROS, you can import it too, but you'll have to add the paths to headers etc manually.
cd ~/ros rosrun ocl orocreate-pkg orocosworld cd orocosworld make eclipse-project
Then go to Eclipse -> File -> Import -> Existing Project into Workspace and then follow the wizard.
When the project is loaded, give it some time to index all header files. All include paths and build settings in Eclipse will be set up for you.
You must have sourced !
cd ~/src orocreate-pkg orocosworld cd orocosworld make
Then go to Eclipse -> File > New > Makefile Project with Existing Code and complete the wizard page.
The next step you need to do is to add the include paths to RTT and/or OCL and any other dependency in the C++ configuration options of your project preferences.