These exercises are hosted on Github .
You need to have the Component Builder's Manual (see Toolchain Reference Manuals) at hand to complete these exercises.
Take also at the Toolchain Reference Manuals for in-depth explanations of the deployment XML format and the different transports (CORBA, MQueue)
You'll need to have the Scripting Chapter of the Component Builder's Manual at hand for clarifications on syntax and execution semantics.
path("/opt/orocos/lib/orocos") // Path to where components are located [1] import("myproject") // imports a specific project in the path [2] import("ocl") // imports ocl from the path require("print") // loads the 'print' service globally. [3] loadComponent("HMI1","OCL::HMIComponent") // create a new HMI component [4] loadComponent("Controller1","MyProjectController") // create a new controller loadComponent("Test1","TaskContext") // creates an empty test component
You can test this code by doing:
deployer-gnulinux -s startup.ops
deployer-gnulinux ... Deployer [S]> help runScript runScript( string const& File ) : bool Runs a script. File : An Orocos program script. Deployer[S]> runScript("startup.ops")
The first line of startup.ops ([1]) extends the standard search path for components. Every component library directly in a path will be discovered using this statement, but the paths are not recursively searched. For loading components in subdirectories of a path directory, use the import statement. In our example, it will look for the myproject directory in the component paths and the ocl directory. All libraries and plugins in these directories will be loaded as well.
After importing, we can create components using loadComponent ([4]). The first argument is the name of the component instance, the second argument is the class type of the component. When these lines are executed, 3 new components have been created: HMI1, Controller1 and Test1.
Finally, the line require("print") loads the printing service globally such that your script can use the 'print.ln("text")' function. See help print in the TaskBrowser after you typed require("print").
Now extend the script to include the lines below. The create connection policy objects and connect ports between components.
// See the Doxygen API documentation of RTT for the fields of this struct: var ConnPolicy cp_1 // set the fields of cp_1 to an application-specific value: cp_1.type = BUFFER // Use ''BUFFER'' or ''DATA'' cp_1.size = 10 // size of the buffer cp_1.lock_policy = LOCKED // Use ''LOCKED'', ''LOCK_FREE'' or ''UNSYNC'' // other fields exist too... // Start connecting ports: connect("HMI1.positions","Controller1.positions", cp_1) cp_1 = ConnPolicy() // reset to defaults (DATA, LOCK_FREE) connect("HMI1.commands","Controller1.commands", cp_1) // etc...
Connecting data ports is done using ConnPolicy structs that describe the properties of the connection to be formed. You may re-use the ConnPolicy variable, or create new ones for each connection you form. The Component Builder's Manual has more details on how the ConnPolicy struct influences how connections are configured.
Finally, we configure and start our components:
if ( HMI1.configure() == false ) print.ln("HMI1 configuration failed!") else { if ( Controller1.configure() == false ) print.ln("Controller1 configuration failed!") else { HMI1.start() Controller1.start() } }
StateMachine SetupShutdown { var bool do_cleanup = false, could_config = false; initial state setup { entry { // Configure components could_config = HMI1.configure() && Controller1.configure(); if (could_config) { HMI1.start(); Controller1.start(); } } transitions { if do_cleanup then select shutdown; if could_config == false then select failure; } } state failure { entry { print.ln("Failed to configure a component!") } } final state shutdown { entry { // Cleanup B group HMI1.stop() ; Controller1.stop(); HMI1.cleanup() ; Controller1.cleanup(); } } } RootMachine SetupShutdown deployApp; deployApp.activate() deployApp.start()
State machines are explained in detail in the Scripting Chapter of the Component Builder's Manual.
Connecting an output port of one component with an input port of another component, where both components are distributed using the CORBA deployer application, deployer-corba.
This is your first XML file for component A. We tell that it runs as a Server and that it registers its name in the Naming Service. (See also Using CORBA and the CORBA transport reference manual for setting up naming services)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "cpf.dtd"> <properties> <struct name="ComponentA" type="HMI"> <simple name="Server" type="boolean"><value>1</value></simple> <simple name="UseNamingService" type="boolean"><value>1</value></simple> </struct> </properties>
Save this in component-a.xml and start it with: deployer-corba -s component-a.xml
This is your second XML file for component B. It has one port, cartesianPosition_desi. We add it to a connection, named cartesianPosition_desi_conn. Next, we declare a 'proxy' to Component A we created above, and we do the same for it's port, add it to the connection named cartesianPosition_desi_conn.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "cpf.dtd"> <properties> <struct name="ComponentB" type="Controller"> <struct name="Ports" type="PropertyBag"> <simple name="cartesianPosition_desi" type="string"> <value>cartesianPosition_desi_conn</value></simple> </struct> </struct> <!-- ComponentA is looked up using the 'CORBA' naming service --> <struct name="ComponentA" type="CORBA"> <!-- We add ports of A to the connection --> <struct name="Ports" type="PropertyBag"> <simple name="cartesianPosition" type="string"> <value>cartesianPosition_desi_conn</value></simple> </struct> </struct> </properties>
Save this file as component-b.xml and start it with deployer-corba -s component-b.xml
When component-b.xml is started, the port connections will be created. When ComponentA exits and re-starts, ComponentB will not notice this, and you'll need to restart the component-b xml file as well. Use a streaming based protocol (ROS, POSIX MQueue) in case you want to be more robust against such situations.
You can also form the connections in a third xml file, and make both components servers like this:
Starting ComponentA:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "cpf.dtd"> <properties> <struct name="ComponentA" type="HMI"> <simple name="Server" type="boolean"><value>1</value></simple> <simple name="UseNamingService" type="boolean"><value>1</value></simple> </struct> </properties>
Save this in component-a.xml and start it with: cdeployer -s component-a.xml
Starting ComponentB:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "cpf.dtd"> <properties> <struct name="ComponentB" type="Controller"> <simple name="Server" type="boolean"><value>1</value></simple> <simple name="UseNamingService" type="boolean"><value>1</value></simple> </struct> </properties>
Save this in component-b.xml and start it with: cdeployer -s component-b.xml
Creating two proxies, and the connection:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "cpf.dtd"> <properties> <!-- ComponentA is looked up using the 'CORBA' naming service --> <struct name="ComponentA" type="CORBA"> <!-- We add ports of A to the connection --> <struct name="Ports" type="PropertyBag"> <simple name="cartesianPosition" type="string"> <value>cartesianPosition_desi_conn</value></simple> </struct> </struct> <!-- ComponentB is looked up using the 'CORBA' naming service --> <struct name="ComponentB" type="CORBA"> <!-- We add ports of B to the connection --> <struct name="Ports" type="PropertyBag"> <simple name="cartesianPosition_desi" type="string"> <value>cartesianPosition_desi_conn</value></simple> </struct> </struct> </properties>
Save this in connect-components.xml and start it with: deployer-corba -s connect-components.xml
See deployer and CORBA related Toolchain Reference Manuals.
These instructions are meant for the Orocos Toolchain version 2.4.0 or later.
mkdir ~/training
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools sudo easy_install -U rosinstall
rosinstall ~/training orocos_exercises.rosinstall /opt/ros/electric
source ~/training/setup.bash
rosdep install youbot_common rosdep install rFSM
rosmake youbot_common rtt_dot_service rttlua_completion
useOrocos(){ source $HOME/training/setup.bash; source $HOME/training/; source /opt/ros/electric/stacks/orocos_toolchain/; setLUA; } setLUA(){ if [ "x$LUA_PATH" == "x" ]; then LUA_PATH=";;"; fi if [ "x$LUA_CPATH" == "x" ]; then LUA_CPATH=";;"; fi export LUA_PATH="$LUA_PATH;`rospack find rFSM`/?.lua" export LUA_PATH="$LUA_PATH;`rospack find ocl`/lua/modules/?.lua" export LUA_PATH="$LUA_PATH;`rospack find rttlua_completion`/?.lua" export LUA_CPATH="$LUA_CPATH;`rospack find rttlua_completion`/?.so" export PATH="$PATH:`rosstack find orocos_toolchain`/install/bin" } useOrocos
roscd hello-1-task-execution make rosrun ocl deployer-gnulinux -s start.ops
var double a a=1.1
var float64[] b(2) b[0]=4.4