RTT::detail::UnaryOp Class Reference

UnaryOperator contains information on some unary operator that operates on one arg of a certain type. More...

#include <rtt/Operators.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for RTT::detail::UnaryOp:
RTT::detail::UnaryOperator< function >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual DataSourceBasebuild (const std::string &op, DataSourceBase *a)=0
 If op is the operator you are responsible for, and if the argument DataSource is of the correct type, then return an appropriate DataSource.

Detailed Description

UnaryOperator contains information on some unary operator that operates on one arg of a certain type.

Examples of unary operators are logical not for booleans, unary minus for ints, unary minus for doubles, unary minus for vectors, unary plus for ints (identity operator) etc. We always provide templates that accept a STL style adaptable functor..

Definition at line 65 of file Operators.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

virtual DataSourceBase* RTT::detail::UnaryOp::build ( const std::string &  op,
DataSourceBase a 
) [pure virtual]

If op is the operator you are responsible for, and if the argument DataSource is of the correct type, then return an appropriate DataSource.

( i.e. a DataSource that will apply a certain operation on the value it gets from its argument DataSource, and will return that value ). Otherwise, return 0.

Implemented in RTT::detail::UnaryOperator< function >.

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