FW: Corba DataPorts

Hi,I'm trying to make an Orocos application that send data to an other Orocos application over the network. I would like to do it with Corba, but it won't work.I hope that I can connect buffer-ports from the application1 to application2.
In application1, i have a task Dataout, where I defined a BufferPort<int> myoutbufport;I the main of application1 I create the task, then :ControlTaskServer::initOrb(argc,argv);ControlTaskServer* corba_server=ControlTaskServer::Create(&mytask);ControlTaskPorxy* mtask=ControlProxy::Create("name_of_mytask_application2");connectPeers(&mytask,mtask1);connectPorts(&mytask,mtask2);
In application2, I have a task that trigger on new data in the bufferport.And in the main:ControlTaskProxy::InitOrb(argv,argc);mytask2.start;ControlTaskProxy* mtask=ControlTaskProxy::Create("name_of_mytask1");
When I run application1, and I try to start, I get this error:mycorbadataport not connected.=false
Can someone help me?I use RTT 1.10.2 on a Ubuntu
Bert Godon
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