impossible to write a port when automatically configuring a port

Dear all,

I've a component (see attachement) that puts some value on a writePort
in the configureHook()
When I try to do it automatically (by setting autoConf to 1 in my
deployer.xml) , it does read the values from the cpf file but he doesn't
write them to the port.
When I try to configure him using a state machine script, it doesn't do
it either.
But when I do it by hand in the taskBrowser, there is no problem!

Thanks for looking in to this!


bool nAxesVelocityController::configureHook()
Logger::In in(this->getName().data());
log(Error)<<"Size of "<

right value!
log(Debug)<<"positionValues= "<<positionValues[i]
< }

D_positionValues.write( positionValues ); =>doesn't work properly

return true;

nAxesVelocityController.cpp7.68 KB
nAxesVelocityController.hpp4.35 KB