Job offers for OROCOS engineers

Dear OROCOS users,

Some of you might know that we are trying to use OROCOS for the control
of our kite power system demonstrator since a couple of years. Until
know we did no fly yet with an OROCOS based control system, because a
lot of bits and pieces are still missing.

We just got new funding for the Kitepower 2.0 project, a joint project
of Delft University of Technology (NL) and Karlsruhe University (D).
Therefore we want to hire two engineers, one electrical engineer and one
software developer how shall use OROCOS for the implementation of a fast
control system.

The goal of this privately funded one-year project is to achieve 24
hours of continuous operation of a pumping kite power system.

The project budget will allow us to completely revise the technology
base, from the the ground station up to the kite. TU Delft will continue
on the basis of an existing 20 kW ground station, Karlsruhe will acquire
a new 32 kW ground station. The kite control units and control software
will be shared.

More details can be found here:

For this ambitious project we are now recruiting five engineers:

Are you interested or do you know someone suitable for the job: Contact
Prof. Dr. Matthias Stripf in Karlsruhe or
Dr. Roland Schmehl in Delft.

Best regards,

Uwe Fechner

Uwe Fechner, M.Sc.
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering/ Wind Energy
Kluyverweg 1,
2629 HS Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-15-27-88902