Orocos vs Boost::UTF

Hi, I'am trying to use boost::UTF (unit test module) to test my orocos task. When I add an attribut or Property, I've get this error msg in the console:

Running 1 test case...
0.001 [ ERROR  ][TypeInfoName] Can not build Property of unknown_t.
0.001 [ Info   ][main()] ready?169.45
0.001 [ Warning][main()] Lowering scheduler type to SCHED_OTHER for non-privileged users..
0.001 [ Warning][main()] Forcing priority (1) of thread with SCHED_OTHER policy to 0.
0.001 [ Info   ][PeriodicThread] Creating PeriodicThread for scheduler: 0
0.001 [ Info   ][TimerThreadInstance] PeriodicThread created with scheduler type '0', priority 0 and period 0.5.
0.001 [ Info   ][main()] **** Starting the 'Hello' component ****
0.001 [ Info   ][main()] **** Using the 'Hello' component    ****
0.001 [ Info   ][main()] **** Reading a Attibutes:            ****
0.001 [ Info   ][main()]      DesPosition = 69.45
0.001 [ Info   ][main()] **** Starting the TaskBrowser       ****
*** No errors detected

When I use the same code, without the boost::UTF, in a main(), I've didn`t get the error warning. The number of this error in the shell is the same as the Attribute count

This is my class

#include <rtt/Logger.hpp>
#include <rtt/TaskContext.hpp>
#include <rtt/Property.hpp>
#include <rtt/Attribute.hpp>
#include <rtt/Method.hpp>
#include <rtt/Command.hpp>
#include <rtt/Event.hpp>
#include <rtt/Ports.hpp>
#include <rtt/TimeService.hpp>
#include <vector>
using namespace RTT;
using namespace std;
namespace RCL
    class DualAxisConverter : public TaskContext
        DualAxisConverter(string name);                     ///< Constructeur
        ~DualAxisConverter();                               ///< Destructeur
        virtual bool configureHook();                       ///< Methode de configuration
        virtual bool startHook();                           ///< Methode de pre-demarrage
        virtual void updateHook();                          ///< Methode execute en boucle
        virtual void stopHook();                            ///< Methode d'arret
        virtual void cleanupHook();                         ///< Methode execute a la deconfiguration
        Attribute<double> mDesPositionAttr;                     ///< Contient la position désirée

This is the cpp file

#include "DualAxisConverter.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace RTT;
namespace RCL
DualAxisConverter::DualAxisConverter(string name) :
mDesPositionAttr("DesPosition", 69.450)
    // Ajout des Attributs
bool DualAxisConverter::startHook()
    return true;
}// Namesapce RCL

This is the test file:

#include "DualAxisConverter.h"
#include <rtt/PeriodicActivity.hpp>
#include <rtt/Logger.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
    Logger::In in("main()");
    // Set log level more verbose than default,
    // such that we can see output :
    if ( log().getLogLevel() < Logger::Info ) {
        log().setLogLevel( Logger::Info );
        //log(Info) << argv[0] << " manually raises LogLevel to 'Info' (5). See also file 'orocos.log'."<<endlog();
    log(Info) << "**** Creating the 'Hello' component ****" <<endlog();
    // Create the task:
    RCL::DualAxisConverter hello("Hello");
    // Create the activity which runs the task's engine:
    // 1: Priority
    // 0.5: Period (2Hz)
    // hello.engine(): is being executed.
    hello.setActivity( new PeriodicActivity(1, 0.5, hello.engine() ) );
    log(Info) << "**** Starting the 'Hello' component ****" <<endlog();
    // Start the component:
    log(Info) << "****code Using the 'Hello' component    ****" <<endlog();
    // Do some 'client' calls :
    log(Info) << "**** Reading a Attibutes:            ****" <<endlog();
    Attribute<double> p = hello.attributes()->getAttribute<double>("DesPosition");
    assert( p.ready() );
    log(Info) << "     "<<p.getName() << " = " << p.get() <<endlog();
    log(Info) << "**** Starting the TaskBrowser       ****" <<endlog();

The Attribut is initiated with the right value because of the print.

This is the only thread I`ve found on UTF: http://www.kindyn.org.tirant.priorweb.be/forum/rtt/rtt-dev/bug-641-new-migrate-cppunit-boosttests-utf

When I define the variable, nothing change: ENABLE_TESTS=OFF and ENABLE_BOOST_TESTS=ON

Can someone help me