I am still trying to make OpenCV IplImages transferable through Corba. I have read the KDL Toolit and Transport plugins to understand (maybe very badly) how to proceed:
1. I have created an IplImage.idl and translated it using tao_idl
2. I have created a CVToolkit that does nothing but declares the IplImage type to Orocos
3. I have invoked ORO_TOOLKIT_PLUGIN(CVToolkit)
4. I have created a CVCorbaConversion framework by redefining RTT::AnyConversion
5. I have registered this converter in a CVCorbaTransportPlugin
6. I have invoked ORO_TOOLKIT_PLUGIN(CVCorbaPlugin)
When I display the Camera frame (without Corba), the command (in a deployer)
: Camera.frame.Get()
= (IplImage)
When I try to remotely do the same thing, I have an error
Failing Corba::Any creation of type IplImage.
It seems to me that my AnyConversion
When the deployer imports my toolkit lib, it displays
Registered new 'CORBA' transport for IplImage
Any idea?
Thanks !