RTT::detail::StateGraphParser Class Reference

This is not a parser in the Boost.spirit sense of the word, it's just a class used to hold the parser and semantic actions. More...

#include <rtt/scripting/StateGraphParser.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 StateGraphParser (iter_t &positer, TaskContext *tc)
< ParsedStateMachinePtr > 
parse (iter_t &begin, iter_t end)

Detailed Description

This is not a parser in the Boost.spirit sense of the word, it's just a class used to hold the parser and semantic actions.

This class does the actual work. It generates a Finite State Graph, by constructing the State nodes. We just go over the code one single time, and construct the FSM as we go. For every statement, we construct a new GraphNode, and fill it up as we get the information we need.

Definition at line 80 of file StateGraphParser.hpp.

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