RTT Namespace Reference

We can't use typedefs since C++ doesn't allow it for templated classes without specifying all the template parameters. More...


namespace  Corba

The Corba namespace is used to hold both the Orocos CORBA interfaces and Orocos CORBA implementations.

namespace  detail

Implementation specific classes, not intended for users.

namespace  DLib

This Namespace contains helper classes for the minimal and real-time 'Distribution Library' of Orocos.

namespace  OS

OS Abstractions such as Mutexes, Semaphores and Threads.

namespace  rt_std

(Almost) Real-Time output streams.


class  ActionInterface
 Based on the software pattern 'action', this interface allows execution of action objects. More...
class  Activity
 An Activity is an object that represents a thread. More...
class  ActivityInterface
 Interface to start/stop and query a Activity. More...
struct  ArgumentDescription
 Description of one Argument of a Command. More...
class  AsynchCommandDecorator
 Based on the software patterns 'command' and 'decorator', this interface represents a wrapper around a given command, which decorates that command as an asynchronous command. More...
class  AtomicQueue
 A lock-free queue implementation to enqueue or dequeue a pointer of type T. More...
class  Attribute
 An Attribute has a name and contains data which can be set and get. More...
class  Constant
 As opposed to a Attribute, a Constant can not be assigned to a new value after creation. More...
class  Alias
 This class is the most basic Attribute implementation (only suitable for reading a DataSource), does not allow any assignment, just stores a DataSource<T>, and returns it. More...
class  AttributeBase
 An attribute is a minimalistic, named placeholder for data. More...
class  AttributeRepository
 A class for keeping track of Attribute, Constant and Property objects of a TaskContext. More...
class  Buffer
 This object represents the default queue implementation used by Orocos objects. More...
class  BufferBase
 Any Buffer has a capacity, size and can be empty or full. More...
class  BufferConnection
 A local connection with a Buffer, which is used to connect multiple Ports to that Buffer. More...
class  BufferDataSource
 A DataSource which provides read-only access to the next value to be read from the buffer, without removing that value from the buffer. More...
class  BufferInterface
 A Buffer is an object which is used to store (Push) and retrieve (Pop) values from. More...
class  BufferLocked
 Implements a very simple blocking threadsafe buffer, using mutexes (locks). More...
class  BufferLockFree
 A Lock-free buffer implementation to read and write data of type T in a FIFO way. More...
struct  NonBlockingPolicy
 Use this policy to indicate that you do not want to block on an empty or full buffer, queue, fifo,. More...
struct  BlockingPolicy
 Use this policy to indicate that you do want to block on an empty or full buffer, queue, fifo,. More...
class  ReadBufferPort
 A Port to a readable Buffer. More...
class  WriteBufferPort
 A Port to a writable Buffer. More...
class  BufferPort
 A Port to a read-write Buffer. More...
struct  CallbackInterface
 Generic callback interface. More...
class  Command
 A Command is a function which can be sent to a task for execution and be queried for its execution status. More...
class  CommandC
 A user friendly Command to a TaskContext. More...
class  CommandComposite
 Based on the software pattern 'composite', this class RTT_API allows composing command objects into one command object. More...
class  CommandCounter
 This command increments a counter when executed. More...
struct  CommandDataSource
 A Command which evaluates a DataSourceBase and always returns true. More...
struct  CommandDataSourceBool
 A Command which evaluates a DataSource<bool> and returns the result of get(). More...
class  CommandDispatch
 Dispatch a CommandInterface to a CommandProcessor. More...
class  CommandDS
 A Command storage container. More...
class  ConditionExecFunction
 A condition which checks if a CommandExecFunction is done or not. More...
class  CommandExecFunction
 A command which queues (dispatches) a FunctionFraph for execution in a ProgramProcessor. More...
class  CommandFunctor
 A Command which can be bound to a function using boost::bind. More...
class  CommandFunctor< boost::function< bool(void) > >
 Specialisation of CommandFunctor. More...
class  CommandIllegal
 A Command indicating that an error was encountered somewhere, most likely during the construction of another command. More...
class  CommandNOP
 The empty command. More...
class  CommandProcessor
 This class implements an Orocos command processor. More...
class  CommandRepository
 A command repository stores a number of commands from a Task which can be used by other tasks or from scripts. More...
class  CommandString
 This command displays a string when executed. More...
class  CompletionProcessor
 An activity which executes asynchronous (defered) handlers of Events. More...
class  ConditionBoolDataSource
 A Condition which holds a boolean DataSource. More...
class  ConditionBoolProperty
 ConditionBoolProperty is a Condition which reads out a Property<bool>. More...
class  ConditionCompare
 A general compare condition. More...
class  ConditionBinaryCompositeAND
 Compose an 'AND' function of two Conditions. More...
class  ConditionDSDuration
 A conditional that evaluates true after a certain time (in seconds) has passed, given by a DataSource. More...
class  ConditionDuration
 A conditional that evaluates true after a certain time has passed. More...
class  ConditionExpire
 A conditional that evaluates true until a certain time has elapsed since construction or the last reset(). More...
class  ConditionFalse
 A conditional that evaluates false. More...
class  ConditionInterface
 This interface represents the concept of a condition which can be evaluated and return true or false. More...
class  ConditionInvert
 A conditional that evaluates to the inverse of another Condition. More...
class  ConditionOnce
 A conditional that evaluates the first time true and afterwards always false (or vice versa). More...
class  ConditionTrue
 A conditional that evaluates true. More...
class  ConfigurationInterface
 Generic run-time class configuration interface. More...
class  Configurator
 A class which configures other objects in small steps spread in time. More...
class  ConnectionC
 A user friendly callback connection to an event of a TaskContext. More...
class  ConnectionFactory
 Builds Connections (buffers or data objects) between the ports of tasks. More...
class  ConnectionInterface
 An Object which manages and maintains a communication connection between Ports. More...
struct  ConnectionTypes
 Enumerates all the types of connections supported by this factory. More...
struct  AnyConversion
 This class converts a given application-specific type to a CORBA::Any object and vice versa. More...
class  DataConnection
 A local connection with a DataObject, which is used to connect multiple Ports to that DataObject. More...
class  DataFlowInterface
 The Interface of a TaskContext which exposes its data-flow ports. More...
class  DataObjectInterface
 A DataObjectInterface extends the AssignableDataSource with implementations of multi-threaded read/write solutions. More...
class  DataObjectLocked
 A class which provides locked/protected access to one typed element of data. More...
class  DataObjectPrioritySet
 A DataObject which allows only the high priority thread to Set(), and both low and high priorities to Get(). More...
class  DataObjectPriorityGet
 A DataObject which allows only the high priority thread to Get(), and both low and high priorities to Set(). More...
class  DataObjectLockFree
 This DataObject is a Lock-Free implementation, such that reads and writes can happen concurrently without priority inversions. More...
class  DataObject
 A class which provides unchecked access to one typed element of data. More...
class  ReadDataPort
 A Port to a readable Data Connection. More...
class  WriteDataPort
 A Port to a writable Data Connection. More...
class  DataPort
 A data port which can be used as a reader and as a writer. More...
struct  bad_assignment
 This exception is thrown if the target and source type of an assignment of a DataSource with a DataSourceBase differ. More...
class  DataSource
 DataSource is a base class representing a generic way to read data of type T. More...
class  AssignableDataSource
 A DataSource which has set() methods. More...
struct  AdaptDataSource
 Try to adapt a DataSourceBase to a DataSource< by value >. More...
struct  AdaptAssignableDataSource
 Try to adapt a DataSourceBase to an AssignableDataSource< by value >. More...
struct  AdaptAssignableDataSource< TResult & >
 Try to adapt a DataSourceBase to an AssignableDataSource< by reference >. More...
struct  AdaptDataSource< const TResult >
 Try to adapt a DataSourceBase to a DataSource< by const value >. More...
struct  AdaptDataSource< TResult & >
 Try to adapt a DataSourceBase to a DataSource< by ref >. More...
struct  AdaptDataSource< const TResult & >
 Try to adapt a DataSourceBase to a DataSource< by const reference > Allows all conversions. More...
class  DataSourceBase
 The base class for all DataSource's. More...
class  DataSourceCommand
 A class that wraps a Command in a DataSource<bool> interface. More...
class  DataSourceCondition
 A class that wraps a Condition in a DataSource<bool> interface. More...
struct  GenerateDataSource
 A function object which returns a vector of DataSources. More...
class  ValueDataSource
 A simple, yet very useful DataSource, which keeps a value, and returns it in its get() method. More...
class  ConstantDataSource
 A DataSource which holds a constant value and returns it in its get() method. More...
class  ReferenceDataSource
 A DataSource which is used to manipulate a reference to an external value. More...
class  IndexedValueDataSource
 A ValueDataSource of which individual parts can be updated using an index. More...
class  BinaryDataSource
 A generic binary composite DataSource. More...
class  TernaryDataSource
 A DataSource which returns the return value of a ternary function. More...
class  SixaryDataSource
 A DataSource which returns the return value of a sixary function. More...
class  UnaryDataSource
 A DataSource which returns the return value of a unary function. More...
class  NArityDataSource
 A generic N-arity composite DataSource. More...
class  DataSourceTime
 A DataSource which returns the time elapsed since the last reset in Seconds. More...
class  AnalogInInterface
 An interface for reading analog input, like for addressing a whole subdevice in comedi. More...
class  AnalogInput
 A class representing an analog input channel. More...
class  AnalogOutInterface
 An interface for writing analog output, like for addressing a whole subdevice in comedi. More...
class  AnalogOutput
 A class representing an analog output channel. More...
class  AxisInterface
 The AxisInterface represents an axis from a control point of view. More...
class  CalibrationInterface
 A class which will calibrate a sensor. More...
class  DigitalInInterface
 A class representing a Digital Input device from which a maximum of 32 bits can be read at once. More...
class  DigitalInput
 A class representing a switch which can be on or off. More...
class  DigitalOutInterface
 A class representing a Digital Output device which can read or write a maximum of 32 bits at once. More...
class  DigitalOutput
 A DigitalOut represents any on/off output. More...
class  DriveInterface
 A Drive Object controls a single axis. More...
class  EncoderInterface
 The most generic interface to a position/turn counter, for encoding positions. More...
class  PulseTrainGeneratorInterface
 A generic interface to a pulsetraingenerator for simulation of encoder like behaviour. More...
class  SensorInterface
 An interface that describes a general sensor You can read a value/structure. More...
class  DispatchAction
 An action which invokes a dispatch command in execute(). More...
class  DispatchInterface
 Dispatch a CommandInterface to a CommandProcessor and track its status. More...
class  EdgeCondition
 This class represents a conditional branch in a program tree. More...
class  Event
 The Orocos Event is a thread-safe publish-subscribe implementation and provides synchronous and asynchronous callback handling. More...
class  EventC
 A user friendly event of a TaskContext. More...
class  EventDrivenActivity
 An Event-driven ActivityInterface implementation. More...
class  EventProcessor
 An Asynchronous Event Processor, which catches events and executes the asynchronous callbacks in its RunnableInterface::step(). More...
class  BlockingEventProcessor
 The Blocking EventProcessor, extended with a blocking implementation, waiting for one Event to complete in its loop(). More...
class  EventService
 The EventService represents the event interface. More...
class  ExecutionAccess
 The ExecutionAccess provides access to programs and state machines loaded in the execution engine. More...
class  ExecutionEngine
 An execution engine serialises (executes one after the other) the execution of all commands, programs, state machines and incomming events for a task. More...
struct  name_not_found_exception
 Exception thrown when a factory is requested to create an object with an unknown name. More...
struct  wrong_number_of_args_exception
 Exception thrown when a factory is requested to create an object but the wrong number of arguments was given. More...
struct  wrong_types_of_args_exception
 Exception thrown when a factory is requested to create an object, but a wrong argument type was given. More...
struct  non_lvalue_args_exception
 Exception thrown when a factory is requested to create an object, and one of the arguments needed to be an lvalue (AssignableDataSource) and an rvalue (plain DataSource) was given. More...
class  FunctionGraph
 This class represents a function. More...
class  FunctionGraphBuilder
 This class builds a program consisting of data contained in a program graph tree, based on the Boost Graph Library. More...
class  Handle
 The Handle holds the information, and allows manipulation, of a connection between an Event Handler function and the Event itself. More...
class  ScopedHandle
 A scoped connection Handle of a (connected) slot which disconnects a slot from a signal in its destructor. More...
class  CleanupHandle
 A connection Handle of a (connected) slot which disconnects and cleans up (free all resources) a slot from a signal in its destructor. More...
class  List
 This object represents the default queue implementation used by Orocos objects. More...
class  ListLocked
 A simple lock-based list implementation to append or erase data of type T. More...
class  ListLockFree
 A simple lock-free list implementation to append or erase data of type T. More...
class  LockedQueue
 A lock-based queue implementation to enqueue or dequeue a pointer of type T. More...
class  Logger
 A simple logging class to debug/ analyse what is going on in the Orocos system. More...
class  CPFMarshaller< std::ostream >
 A class for marshalling a property or propertybag into a component property description, following the CORBA 3 standard. More...
class  EmptyHeaderMarshaller
 A Dummy Empty Header Marshaller. More...
class  EmptyMarshaller
 A Dummy Empty Marshaller. More...
class  INIMarshaller
 A Marshaller which writes out the properties in MS .INI format. More...
class  MarshallerAdaptor
 Converts one marshaller type to another marshaller. More...
class  MarshallConfiguration
 Contains the required classes for a full marshalling operation. More...
class  DemarshallConfiguration
 Contains the required classes for a full demarshalling operation. More...
class  Orocos1Demarshaller
 A demarshaller which parses data compatible with the previous Orocos property system. More...
class  Orocos1Marshaller
 A marshaller which generates data compatible with the previous Orocos property system. More...
class  PropertyDemarshaller
 The default Orocos demarshaller for extracting properties and property bags from a property file. More...
class  PropertyMarshaller
 A class for writing a property or propertybag into file. More...
class  SimpleDemarshaller
 A simple demarshaller. More...
class  SimpleMarshaller
 A simple marshaller which flattens your property bag into simple types. More...
class  StreamProcessor
 An interface for setting and getting a stream object. More...
class  TableHeaderMarshaller
 A Marshaller for generating headers of tables. More...
class  TableMarshaller
 A Marshaller for generating a stream of numbers, ordered in columns. More...
class  XMLDemarshaller
 Unimplemented counterpart of XMLMarshaller. More...
class  XMLMarshaller
 Marshalls a PropertyBag to a non standard XML format. More...
class  XMLRPCDemarshaller
 A Demarshaller for the XMLRPC Protocol. More...
class  XMLRPCMarshaller
 Outputs a Property or PropertyBag into a text stream in the XML-RPC format. More...
class  Marshaller
 A Marshaller converts Property objects to a (file/text) format. More...
class  Demarshaller
 An interface for extracting properties from a format. More...
class  MarshallingAccess
 Load and save properties of a TaskContext. More...
class  MemoryPool
 A memory pool in which allocate() and deallocate() are lock-free. More...
class  FixedSizeMemoryPool
 A fixed size, lock-free Memory Pool with reference counted memory. More...
class  Method
 A method which executes a function. More...
class  MethodC
 A user friendly method to a TaskContext. More...
class  MethodRepository
 This class allows storage and retrieval of Method objects. More...
struct  MultiVector
 A static allocated Vector. More...
class  NameServer
 A nameserver for Orocos Device classes. More...
class  NameServerRegistrator
 Utility class to register a given object with a nameserver, and deregister upon destruction. More...
class  NonPeriodicActivity
 A ActivityInterface implementation which is run in a SingleThread. More...
class  OperationFactory
 This factory is a template for creating parts. More...
class  OperationInterface
 The interface for accessing and executing 'operations', being commands, methods, events and attributes. More...
class  OperatorRepository
 This class builds on upon construction all expression operators known to Orocos. More...
class  PeriodicActivity
 A PeriodicActivity is the general implementation of a Activity which has (realtime) periodic constraints. More...
class  PortInterface
 A Port of a task is used to connect it with other tasks using a Connector. More...
class  program_load_exception
 This exception is thrown when a program or state machine could not be loaded into a ProgramProcessor or StateMachineProcessor. More...
class  program_unload_exception
 This exception is thrown when a program or state machine could not be unloaded into a ProgramProcessor or StateMachineProcessor. More...
class  ProgramInterface
 A Program represents a collection of instructions that can be stepwise executed. More...
class  ProgramProcessor
 This class implements a real-time program processor. More...
class  Property
 A property represents a named value of any type with a description. More...
class  PropertyBag
 A container for holding references to properties. More...
class  PropertyBagIntrospector
 This class fills up a given bag with the results of an introspection. More...
class  PropertyBase
 Base class for all properties. More...
class  PropertyBagVisitor
 A simple introspection interface to visit PropertyBags. More...
class  PropertyIntrospection
 An interface which all classes which wish to visit a Property should implement. More...
class  PropertyLoader
 Load and save property files to a TaskContext's PropertyBag. More...
class  PropertySequence
 A container for a sequence of properties of the same type Property<T> [EXPERIMENTAL]. More...
class  Queue
 This object represents the default queue implementation used by Orocos objects. More...
class  ReadInterface
 This interface describes a read interface for value types. More...
class  RealTimeToolkitPlugin
 This interface defines the types of the realTime package. More...
class  RunnableInterface
 This class adds Activity specific semantics to OS::RunnableInterface and sits in the RTT namespace. More...
class  FunctionFactory
 A CommandFactory which delivers commands which execute a FunctionGraph in a Processor. More...
class  file_parse_exception
 This is an exception class that keeps a parse_exception pointer along with the location in the file and the file where it occurred. More...
class  parse_exception
 This is the uppermost exception class in the parser system. More...
class  ParsedStateMachine
 State machine created by the scripting engine which represents a parsed state machine. More...
struct  eol_skip_functor
 Due to a bug in MSVC 2005, the operator() ends up with a null reference of the skipeol member Tried several workarounds, could not find one, except turning off optimization for this function. More...
class  Parser
 This class is the public interface to the Orocos Program Parser Framework. More...
class  ParserExecutionAccess
 The Parser Execution Access provides access to programs and state machines loaded in the execution engine. More...
class  ParserScriptingAccess
 This implementation provides access to the loaded programs and state machines and allows execution of code, using the Orocos parser framework. More...
class  ProgramLoader
 This class loads and unloads Orocos Program Script and Orocos State Description files to a TaskContext's Processor. More...
class  ProgramTask
 This class represents a program as an TaskObject in the Orocos TaskContext system. More...
class  StateMachineTask
 This class represents a stateMachine as a TaskObject in the Orocos TaskContext system. More...
class  StatementProcessor
 This class parses and executes a single scripting statement. More...
class  ScriptingAccess
 This interface allows to load program scripts and state machines and allows execution of code. More...
class  SequentialActivity
 The default, thread-less activity for any newly created TaskContext. More...
class  SimulationActivity
 A SimulationActivity is a PeriodicActivity which is used for simulation. More...
class  SimulationThread
 This thread is the simulated real-time periodic thread in the Orocos system. More...
class  SingleList
 A single-linked single list algorithm invented by Timothy L. More...
class  SlaveActivity
 An ActivityInterface implementation which executes 'step' upon the invocation of 'execute()', which is called by another Activity ('master'). More...
class  SortedList
 A single-linked sorted list algorithm invented by Timothy L. More...
class  StateDescription
 This class represents a state with all actions stored in an external program. More...
class  StateInterface
 A State contains an entry, run, handle and exit program. More...
class  StateMachine
 A hierarchical StateMachine which is loaded in the Program Processor. More...
class  StateMachineProcessor
 This class implements a real-time state machine executor. More...
class  TaskContext
 A TaskContext exports the commands, methods, events, properties and ports a task has. More...
class  TaskCore
 The minimal Orocos task. More...
class  TaskObject
 A task object groups a set of commands and methods (operations) which may be invoked. More...
class  TemplateTypeInfo
 This helper class allows user types to be added to Orocos. More...
class  TemplateContainerTypeInfo
 Template for containers. More...
class  TemplateIndexTypeInfo
 Template for indexable types. More...
class  Timer
 This class allows to define a timer object which can be armed in single shot and periodic mode. More...
class  TimerThread
 This Periodic Thread is meant for executing a PeriodicActivity object periodically. More...
class  TimeService
 The TimeService is used for system-wide time keeping and conversions. More...
class  Toolkit
 This class allows the Orocos Real-Time Toolkit to be extended with additional toolkits (ToolkitPlugin), such as for kinematics or any library foreign to Orocos. More...
class  ToolkitPlugin
 This interface defines how additional toolkits are loaded into Orocos. More...
class  TransportPlugin
 A class which registers TransportProtocol instances to types. More...
class  TryCommand
 A command which tries another command and stores the result in a DataSource<bool>. More...
class  TryCommandResult
 Returns the (accept/reject) status of another command. More...
class  EvalCommand
 Evaluates a DataSource<bool> in a command. More...
class  EvalCommandResult
 The result of a command which evaluates a boolean DataSource. More...
class  EmptyTypeInfo
 Empty implementation of TypeInfo interface. More...
struct  TypeInfoName
 This helper class allows only type names to be added to Orocos. More...
struct  TypeBuilder
 This interface describes how constructors work. More...
class  TypeInfo
 A class for representing a user type, and which can build instances of that type. More...
class  TypeInfoRepository
 This class contains all known types to Orocos. More...
struct  stdvector_varargs_ctor
 See NArityDataSource which requires a function object like this one. More...
struct  StdVectorBuilder
 Constructs an array with n elements, which are given upon construction time. More...
class  VertexNode
 This class represents elements in a program tree. More...
class  WriteInterface
 This interface describes a write interface for value types. More...


typedef ActionInterface CommandInterface
 Based on the software pattern 'command', this interface allows execution of command objects.
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< FunctionGraph
typedef boost::weak_ptr
< FunctionGraph
typedef MultiVector< 6, double > Double6D
 A MultiVector consisting of 6 doubles.
typedef MultiVector< 6, int > Int6D
 A MultiVector consisting of 6 integers.
typedef MultiVector< 6, bool > Bool6D
 A MultiVector consisting of 6 booleans.
typedef MultiVector< 6, long > Long6D
 A MultiVector consisting of 6 longs.
typedef OperationFactory
< DispatchInterface * > 
typedef OperationFactory
< DataSourceBase * > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ProgramInterface
typedef boost::weak_ptr
< ProgramInterface
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ParsedStateMachine
typedef boost::weak_ptr
< ParsedStateMachine
typedef std::string our_buffer_t
typedef our_buffer_t::iterator our_iterator_t
typedef position_iterator
< our_iterator_t > 
typedef our_pos_iter_t iter_t
< boost_spirit::alternative
< boost_spirit::alternative
< boost_spirit::alternative
< boost_spirit::confix_parser
< boost_spirit::impl::string_as_parser::type,
< boost_spirit::anychar_parser >
, boost_spirit::alternative
< boost_spirit::eol_parser,
boost_spirit::end_parser >
, boost_spirit::unary_parser_category,
boost_spirit::is_lexeme >
, boost_spirit::confix_parser
< boost_spirit::impl::string_as_parser::type,
< boost_spirit::anychar_parser >
, boost_spirit::alternative
< boost_spirit::eol_parser,
boost_spirit::end_parser >
, boost_spirit::unary_parser_category,
boost_spirit::is_lexeme >
>, boost_spirit::confix_parser
< boost_spirit::impl::string_as_parser::type,
< boost_spirit::anychar_parser >
, boost_spirit::impl::string_as_parser::type,
boost_spirit::is_lexeme >
>, boost_spirit::difference
< boost_spirit::space_parser,
boost_spirit::eol_parser >
>, boost_spirit::functor_parser
< RTT::eol_skip_functor > > 
< skip_parser_t > 
typedef scanner_policies
< iter_pol_t > 
typedef scanner< iter_t,
scanner_pol_t > 
typedef rule< scanner_t > rule_t
typedef rule< lexeme_scanner
< scanner_t >::type > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< StateMachineTask
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< SimulationThread
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< StateMachine
typedef boost::weak_ptr
< StateMachine
typedef double Seconds
 Seconds are stored as a double precision float.
typedef long secs
 seconds as a signed long.
typedef long msecs
 milliseconds as a signed long.
typedef long usecs
 microseconds as a signed long.
typedef long long nsecs
 nanoseconds as a signed long long.
typedef long long psecs
 picoseconds as a signed long long
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< TimerThread
 TimerThread objects are reference counted such that when the last PeriodicActivity which uses it is deleted, the thread is deleted as well.


enum  LoggerLevel {
  Never = 0, Fatal, Critical, Error,
  Warning, Info, Debug, RealTime

Enumerate all log-levels from absolute silence to everything.

enum  vertex_command_t { vertex_command }
enum  vertex_exec_t { vertex_exec }


template<class ComF , class ConF , class Object >
Command< typename
detail::UnMember< ComF >::type > 
command (std::string name, ComF command, ConF condition, Object object, bool invert=false)
 Factory function to create a Command object which executes a member function of an object.
template<class ComF , class ConF , class Object >
Command< typename
detail::UnMember< ComF >::type > 
command (std::string name, ComF command, ConF condition, Object object, CommandProcessor *cp, bool invert=false)
 Factory function to create a Command object which executes a member function of an object.
template<class ComF , class ConF >
Command< typename
detail::UnMember< ComF >::type > 
command (std::string name, ComF command, ConF condition, CommandProcessor *cp, bool invert=false)
 Factory function to create a Command object which executes a 'C' function.
template<class ComF , class ConF >
CommandDS< typename
detail::ArgMember< ComF >
::type > 
command_ds (std::string name, ComF command, ConF condition, CommandProcessor *cp, bool invert=false)
template<class F >
CommandInterfacenewCommandFunctor (const F &f)
 Helper function to create a new CommandFunctor.
RTT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, DataSourceBase::shared_ptr dsb)
 Stream the contents of this object.
template<class F , class O >
Method< typename
detail::UnMember< F >::type > 
method (std::string name, F method, O object)
 Create a Method which executes a function locally.
template<class F >
Method< F > method (std::string name, F method)
 Create a Method which executes a function locally.
template<class F >
Method< typename
detail::ArgMember< F >::type > 
method_ds (std::string name, F method)
 Create a Method which executes a function locally.
template<unsigned S, typename D >
MultiVector< S, D > operator* (const D d, const MultiVector< S, D > &v)
template<unsigned S, typename D >
MultiVector< S, D > operator+ (const D d, const MultiVector< S, D > &v)
template<unsigned S, typename D >
MultiVector< S, D > operator- (const D d, const MultiVector< S, D > &v)
template<unsigned int S, class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, MultiVector< S, T > &q)
 Output to standard C++ output stream.
template<unsigned int S, class T >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &os, MultiVector< S, T > &q)
 Output to standard C++ input stream.
template<class T , int S>
void decomposeProperty (PropertyIntrospection *pi, const Property< MultiVector< S, T > > &c)
 A decomposeProperty method for decomposing a Property< MultiVector<S,T> > into a PropertyBag with Property<T>'s.
template<class T , int S>
void decomposeProperty (PropertyIntrospection *pi, const Property< const MultiVector< S, T > & > &c)
template<class T , int S>
bool composeProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, Property< MultiVector< S, T > > &result)
 A composeProperty method for composing a property of a MultiVector<S, T>
template<typename MapT >
std::vector< typename
MapT::mapped_type > 
values (const MapT &map)
template<typename MapT >
std::vector< typename
MapT::key_type > 
keys (const MapT &map)
template<typename ResultT , typename Arg1T , typename Arg2T , typename Arg3T >
< ResultT, Arg1T, Arg2T, Arg3T > 
ptr_fun (ResultT(*fun)(Arg1T, Arg2T, Arg3T))
template<typename ResultT , typename Arg1T , typename Arg2T , typename Arg3T , typename Arg4T , typename Arg5T , typename Arg6T >
< ResultT, Arg1T, Arg2T, Arg3T,
Arg4T, Arg5T, Arg6T > 
ptr_fun (ResultT(*fun)(Arg1T, Arg2T, Arg3T, Arg4T, Arg5T, Arg6T))
operators ()
 This global function provides the short notation for OperatorRepository::Instance().
template<typename function >
detail::UnaryOperator< function > * newUnaryOperator (const char *op, function f)
 helper function to create a new UnaryOperator
template<typename function >
< function > * 
newBinaryOperator (const char *op, function f)
 helper function to create a new BinaryOperator
template<typename function >
detail::DotOperator< function > * newDotOperator (const char *member, function f)
 helper function to create a new DotOperator
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Property< T > &p)
RTT_API PropertyBasefindProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, const std::string &path, const std::string &separator=std::string("."))
 This function locates a Property in nested PropertyBags.
RTT_API bool refreshProperties (const PropertyBag &target, const PropertyBag &source, bool strict=false)
 This function refreshes the values of the properties in one PropertyBag with the values of the properties of another PropertyBag.
RTT_API bool refreshProperty (const PropertyBag &target, const PropertyBase &source)
 Refresh one Property in the target bag with the new value.
RTT_API bool copyProperties (PropertyBag &target, const PropertyBag &source)
 This function copies (recursively) the Properties of one Bag into another Bag.
RTT_API bool updateProperties (PropertyBag &target, const PropertyBag &source)
 This function updates (recursively) the values of Property objects of one Bag with the values of Property objects of another bag.
RTT_API bool updateProperty (PropertyBag &target, const PropertyBag &source, const std::string &path, const std::string &separator=".")
 This function updates (recursively) the values of a single Property object of one Bag with the property of another bag.
RTT_API bool refreshProperty (PropertyBag &target, const PropertyBag &source, const std::string &path, const std::string &separator=".")
 This function refreshes (recursively) the values of a single Property object of one Bag with the property of another bag.
RTT_API void deleteProperties (PropertyBag &target)
 This function iterates over a PropertyBag and deletes all Property objects in it without recursion.
RTT_API void deletePropertyBag (PropertyBag &target)
 This function iterates over a PropertyBag and recursively deletes all Property objects.
RTT_API void flattenPropertyBag (PropertyBag &target, const std::string &separator=".")
 This function flattens a PropertyBag recursively.
RTT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, PropertyBase *p)
 Prints the value of a Property.
template<class T >
void update (PropertySequence< T > &a, const PropertySequence< T > &b)
 Updating a sequence is actually refreshing the sequence.
template<class T >
void copy (PropertySequence< T > &a, const PropertySequence< T > &b)
 Copying a sequence is actually making a deep copy of the sequence.
RTT_API bool connectPorts (TaskContext *A, TaskContext *B)
 Connect the Data Flow Ports of A and B in both directions, by matching port names.
RTT_API bool connectPeers (TaskContext *A, TaskContext *B)
 Set up the Execution Flow (who knows who) between A and B in both directions.
template<class Function >
TypeBuildernewConstructor (Function *foo, bool automatic=false)
 Create a new Constructor.
template<class Object >
TypeBuildernewConstructor (Object obj, bool automatic=false)
 Create a new Constructor.
msecs secs_to_msecs (const secs s)
usecs secs_to_usecs (const secs s)
nsecs secs_to_nsecs (const secs s)
psecs secs_to_psecs (const secs s)
usecs msecs_to_usecs (const msecs ms)
nsecs msecs_to_nsecs (const msecs ms)
psecs msecs_to_psecs (const msecs ms)
nsecs usecs_to_nsecs (const usecs us)
psecs usecs_to_psecs (const usecs us)
psecs nsecs_to_psecs (const nsecs ns)
nsecs Seconds_to_nsecs (const Seconds s)
Seconds nsecs_to_Seconds (const nsecs ns)
psecs Seconds_to_psecs (const Seconds s)
Seconds psecs_to_Seconds (const psecs ps)
types ()
 Obtain a pointer to the global type system.
int _EatSpace (std::istream &is, int *countp=NULL)
bool Eat (std::istream &is, int delim)
bool EatEnd (std::istream &is, int delim)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const std::vector< double > &v)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &os, std::vector< double > &v)
void decomposeProperty (const std::vector< double > &c, PropertyBag &targetbag)
 A decomposeProperty method for decomposing a vector<double> into a PropertyBag with Property<double>'s.
bool composeProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, std::vector< double > &result)
 A composeProperty method for composing a property of a vector<double> The dimension of the vector must be less than 100.
template<class T >
void decomposeProperty (const std::vector< T > &vec, PropertyBag &targetbag)
 A decomposePropertyBag method for decomposing a vector<T> into a PropertyBag with Property<T>'s.
template<class T >
bool composeProperty (const PropertyBag &bag, std::vector< T > &result)
 A composeProperty method for composing a property of a vector<T> The dimension of the vector must be less than 100.
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const std::vector< T > &vec)
template<typename T >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, std::vector< T > &vec)

template<class T >
void refreshProperties (PropertySequence< T > &target, const PropertySequence< T > &source)
 SequenceOperations These functions operate on the contents of sequences, possibly modifying, deleting or creating new Property objects.
template<class T >
void copyProperties (PropertySequence< T > &target, const PropertySequence< T > &source)
 This function updates the values of Property objects of one Sequence with the values of Property objects of another sequence.
template<class T >
void deleteProperties (PropertySequence< T > &target)
 This function iterates over a PropertySequence and deletes all Property objects in it without recursion.


class RTT_API DigitalOutput
class RTT_API DigitalOutInterface
RealTimeToolkitPlugin RealTimeToolkit
 The single global instance of the RealTime Toolkit.
const long MSECS_IN_SECS = 1000
const long USECS_IN_SECS = 1000 * MSECS_IN_SECS
const long NSECS_IN_SECS = 1000 * USECS_IN_SECS
const long long PSECS_IN_SECS = 1000LL * NSECS_IN_SECS
const long USECS_IN_MSECS = 1000
const long NSECS_IN_MSECS = 1000 * USECS_IN_MSECS
const long PSECS_IN_MSECS = 1000 * NSECS_IN_MSECS
const long NSECS_IN_USECS = 1000
const long PSECS_IN_USECS = 1000 * NSECS_IN_USECS
const long PSECS_IN_NSECS = 1000

Detailed Description

We can't use typedefs since C++ doesn't allow it for templated classes without specifying all the template parameters.

State Machines, Activities, XML Properties, Scripting,.


The Real-Time Toolkit is documented in The Orocos Real-Time Toolkit Online Manual

Typedef Documentation

Based on the software pattern 'command', this interface allows execution of command objects.

The command may return true or false to indicate if it was accepted (true) or rejected (false).

by ActionInterface. For 'command' semantics, look at the DispatchInterface, which exposes an interface for asynchronous execution of functions.

Definition at line 57 of file CommandInterface.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumerate all log-levels from absolute silence to everything.

If you enable 'RealTime' logging, this may break realtime performance. Use With Care and NOT on production systems.
See also:

Definition at line 326 of file Logger.hpp.

Function Documentation

template<class ComF , class ConF >
Command< typename detail::UnMember<ComF>::type > RTT::command ( std::string  name,
ComF  command,
ConF  condition,
CommandProcessor *  cp,
bool  invert = false 
) [inline]

Factory function to create a Command object which executes a 'C' function.

name The name of the command object
command A pointer to a function, which is executed as the command function
condition A pointer to a function, which is evaluated as completion condition
cp The command processor which will execute the command.
invert Set to true to invert the result of condition.
A new Command object.

Definition at line 401 of file Command.hpp.

template<class ComF , class ConF , class Object >
Command< typename detail::UnMember<ComF>::type > RTT::command ( std::string  name,
ComF  command,
ConF  condition,
Object  object,
CommandProcessor *  cp,
bool  invert = false 
) [inline]

Factory function to create a Command object which executes a member function of an object.

A CommandProcessor is given in which the command is executed.

name The name of the command
command A pointer to a member function of object, which is executed as the command function
condition A pointer to a member function of object, which is evaluated as completion condition
object A pointer to an object which has command and condition as functions
cp The command processor which will execute the command.
invert Set to true to invert the result of condition.
A new Command object.

Definition at line 383 of file Command.hpp.

template<class ComF , class ConF , class Object >
Command< typename detail::UnMember<ComF>::type > RTT::command ( std::string  name,
ComF  command,
ConF  condition,
Object  object,
bool  invert = false 
) [inline]

Factory function to create a Command object which executes a member function of an object.

The object inherits from the TaskCore class and the command is executed in the ExecutionEngine's CommandProcessor of that object.

name The name of the command.
command A pointer to a member function of object, which is executed as the command function
condition A pointer to a member function of object, which is evaluated as completion condition
object A pointer to an object which has command and condition as functions and inherits from TaskCore.
invert Set to true to invert the result of condition.
A new Command object.

Definition at line 363 of file Command.hpp.

RTT_API bool RTT::connectPeers ( TaskContext *  A,
TaskContext *  B 

Set up the Execution Flow (who knows who) between A and B in both directions.

Both will be able to use each other's interface.

See also:
RTT_API bool RTT::connectPorts ( TaskContext *  A,
TaskContext *  B 

Connect the Data Flow Ports of A and B in both directions, by matching port names.

See also:
template<class T >
void RTT::copyProperties ( PropertySequence< T > &  target,
const PropertySequence< T > &  source 
) [inline]

This function updates the values of Property objects of one Sequence with the values of Property objects of another sequence.

It creates new Property instances using if a Property is not present in the target and class copy on that Property.

You can use this function to add a copy of the contents of a property sequence.

template<class T >
void RTT::decomposeProperty ( const std::vector< T > &  vec,
PropertyBag &  targetbag 
) [inline]

A decomposePropertyBag method for decomposing a vector<T> into a PropertyBag with Property<T>'s.

The dimension of the vector must be less than 100 if you want the Property<T>'s to have a different name.

Definition at line 50 of file VectorTemplateComposition.hpp.

References RTT::PropertyBag::add(), RTT::TypeInfo::decomposeType(), RTT::PropertyBag::empty(), RTT::Property< T >::getDataSource(), RTT::Property< T >::getType(), RTT::detail::DataSourceTypeInfo< T >::getType(), RTT::Property< T >::getTypeInfo(), and RTT::Property< T >::value().

void RTT::decomposeProperty ( const std::vector< double > &  c,
PropertyBag &  targetbag 

A decomposeProperty method for decomposing a vector<double> into a PropertyBag with Property<double>'s.

The dimension of the vector must be less than 100 if you want the Property<double>'s to have a different name.

template<class F >
Method<F> RTT::method ( std::string  name,
) [inline]

Create a Method which executes a function locally.

name The name of the resulting Method object
method A pointer to a function to be executed.

Definition at line 276 of file Method.hpp.

template<class F , class O >
Method< typename detail::UnMember<F>::type > RTT::method ( std::string  name,
) [inline]

Create a Method which executes a function locally.

name The name of the resulting Method object
method A pointer to a member function to be executed.
object A pointer to the object which has the above member function.

Definition at line 265 of file Method.hpp.

Referenced by RTT::DataPort< T >::createPortObject(), RTT::WriteDataPort< T >::createPortObject(), and RTT::ReadDataPort< T >::createPortObject().

template<class F >
Method< typename detail::ArgMember<F>::type > RTT::method_ds ( std::string  name,
) [inline]

Create a Method which executes a function locally.

name The name of the resulting Method object
method A pointer to a function to be executed.

Definition at line 286 of file Method.hpp.

template<class F >
CommandInterface* RTT::newCommandFunctor ( const F &  f  )  [inline]

Helper function to create a new CommandFunctor.

f The function to wrap in a CommandFunctor.
a new CommandInterface object which will call the function f when execute()'ed.

Definition at line 142 of file CommandFunctor.hpp.

template<class Object >
TypeBuilder* RTT::newConstructor ( Object  obj,
bool  automatic = false 
) [inline]

Create a new Constructor.

obj A function object which has operator().
automatic Set to true to allow automatic conversion (without warning) to this type.
a Constructor object suitable for the type system.

Definition at line 615 of file TemplateTypeInfo.hpp.

template<class Function >
TypeBuilder* RTT::newConstructor ( Function *  foo,
bool  automatic = false 
) [inline]

Create a new Constructor.

foo A pointer to the 'C' function which creates an object.
automatic Set to true to allow automatic conversion (without warning) to this type.
a Constructor object suitable for the type system.

Definition at line 602 of file TemplateTypeInfo.hpp.

RTT_API std::ostream& RTT::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
PropertyBase *  p 

Prints the value of a Property.

os The stream to print to
p The property whose value to print.
RTT_API std::ostream& RTT::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
DataSourceBase::shared_ptr  dsb 

Stream the contents of this object.

See also:
template<class T >
void RTT::refreshProperties ( PropertySequence< T > &  target,
const PropertySequence< T > &  source 
) [inline]

SequenceOperations These functions operate on the contents of sequences, possibly modifying, deleting or creating new Property objects.

This function refreshes the values of the properties in one PropertySequence with the values of the properties of another PropertySequence. No new properties will be created.

You can use this function to update the properties of a fixed sequence.

RTT_API TypeInfoRepository::shared_ptr RTT::types (  ) 

Obtain a pointer to the global type system.

This is a short notation for TypeInfoRepository::Instance().

Generated on Thu Dec 23 13:22:39 2010 for Orocos Real-Time Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3