Orocos Real-Time Toolkit  2.5.0
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
RTT::scripting Namespace Reference

Parser code for the Orocos real-time scripting language. More...


class  ArgumentsParser
 This is a parser that you construct to parse a set of arguments. More...
class  CallFunction
 An action which calls a FunctionFraph for execution in a ExecutionEngine. More...
class  CommandComposite
 Based on the software pattern 'composite', this class RTT_SCRIPTING_API allows composing command objects into one command object. More...
class  CommandCounter
 This command increments a counter when executed. More...
struct  CommandDataSource
 A Command which evaluates a base::DataSourceBase and always returns true. More...
struct  CommandDataSourceBool
 A Command which evaluates a internal::DataSource<bool> and returns the result of get(). More...
class  CommandFunction
 A functor with the base::ActionInterface, for the case where the functor is a bool(void). More...
class  ConditionFunction
 A functor with the ConditionInterface, for the case where the functor is a bool(void). More...
class  CommandIllegal
 A Command indicating that an error was encountered somewhere, most likely during the construction of another command. More...
class  CommandNOP
 The empty command. More...
class  CommandString
 This command displays a string when executed. More...
class  CommonParser
 This class contains some very common parser definitions. More...
class  ConditionBoolDataSource
 A Condition which holds a boolean DataSource. More...
class  ConditionBoolProperty
 ConditionBoolProperty is a Condition which reads out a Property<bool>. More...
class  ConditionCache
 A conditional that evaluates and caches another Condition. More...
class  ConditionCompare
 A general compare condition. More...
class  ConditionBinaryCompositeAND
 Compose an 'AND' function of two Conditions. More...
class  ConditionDSDuration
 A conditional that evaluates true after a certain time (in seconds) has passed, given by a DataSource. More...
class  ConditionDuration
 A conditional that evaluates true after a certain time has passed. More...
class  ConditionExpire
 A conditional that evaluates true until a certain time has elapsed since construction or the last reset() More...
class  ConditionFalse
 A conditional that evaluates false. More...
class  ConditionInterface
 This interface represents the concept of a condition which can be evaluated and return true or false. More...
class  ConditionInvert
 A conditional that evaluates to the inverse of another Condition. More...
class  ConditionOnce
 A conditional that evaluates the first time true and afterwards always false (or vice versa). More...
class  ConditionParser
 This is a class containing a parse function for conditions. More...
class  ConditionTrue
 A conditional that evaluates true. More...
class  DataSourceCondition
 A class that wraps a Condition in a internal::DataSource<bool> interface. More...
class  DataSourceTime
 A internal::DataSource which returns the time elapsed since the last reset in Seconds. More...
class  EdgeCondition
 This class represents a conditional branch in a program tree. More...
class  DataCallParser
 This parser parses a call of the form "a.b( arg1, arg2, ..., argN )". More...
class  ConstructorParser
 Parses type constructor syntax. More...
class  ExpressionParser
 How we parse: this parser works like a stack-based RPN calculator. More...
class  FunctionFactory
 A Factory which delivers operations which execute a FunctionGraph in an engine. More...
class  FunctionGraph
 This class represents a function. More...
class  FunctionGraphBuilder
 This class builds a program consisting of data contained in a program graph tree, based on the Boost Graph Library. More...
class  semantic_parse_exception
 A Semantic parse exception means the parser recognised a part of the string, but got into trouble lateron, for example, a missing argument or non existing component. More...
class  fatal_syntactic_parse_exception
 A Fatal Syntactic parse exception means the parser knows the input is plain wrong and no further attemts should be made to parse it. More...
class  fatal_semantic_parse_exception
 A Fatal Semantic parse exception means the parser knows that the parsing failed dramatically and should not be passed to another parser. More...
class  syntactic_parse_exception
 A normal syntactic parse exception means the parser recognised the input, but got stuck later due to a syntactic error, like a missing brace. More...
class  parse_exception_semantic_error
 parse_exception class that is used for various semantic errors for which it was not worth defining a proper exception class. More...
class  parse_exception_fatal_semantic_error
 parse_exception class that is used for fatal semantic errors for which it was not worth defining a proper exception class. More...
class  parse_exception_parser_fail
 An exception which a parser may throw to indicate that it failed to understand the input, and thus can not interpret its validity. More...
class  parse_exception_syntactic_error
 parse_exception class that is used for various syntactic errors for which it was not worth defining a proper exception class. More...
class  ParsedStateMachine
 State machine created by the scripting engine which represents a parsed state machine. More...
class  Parser
 This class is the public interface to the Orocos Program Parser Framework. More...
class  PeerParser
 Get the peer and object from an invocation path like a.b.c.d() . More...
class  program_load_exception
 This exception is thrown when a program or state machine could not be loaded into a ProgramProcessor or StateMachineProcessor. More...
class  program_unload_exception
 This exception is thrown when a program or state machine could not be unloaded into a ProgramProcessor or StateMachineProcessor. More...
class  ProgramGraphParser
 A Parser for Orocos Program Scripts. More...
class  ProgramInterface
 A Program represents a collection of instructions that can be stepwise executed. More...
class  ProgramService
 This class represents a program as an Service in the Orocos TaskContext system. More...
class  PropertyParser
 Get the property and bag from an invocation path like bag.subbag.prop . More...
class  ScriptingService
 This interface allows to load program scripts and state machines and allows execution of code. More...
class  ScriptParser
 Parsers and executes any RTT script you throw at it. More...
class  SendHandleAlias
 Keeps track of a DataSource which has a SendHandle and the factory for creating the collect functions associated with that handle. More...
class  StateDescription
 This class represents a state with all actions stored in an external program. More...
class  StateGraphParser
 This is not a parser in the Boost.spirit sense of the word, it's just a class used to hold the parser and semantic actions. More...
class  StateInterface
 A State contains an entry, run, handle and exit program. More...
class  StateMachine
 A hierarchical StateMachine which is loaded in the Program Processor. More...
class  StateMachineService
 This class represents a stateMachine as a Service in the Orocos TaskContext system. More...
class  StatementProcessor
 This class parses and executes a single scripting statement. More...
class  TryCommand
 A command which tries another command and stores the result in a internal::DataSource<bool>. More...
class  TryCommandResult
 Returns the (accept/reject) status of another command. More...
class  EvalCommand
 Evaluates a internal::DataSource<bool> in a command. More...
class  EvalCommandResult
 The result of a command which evaluates a boolean DataSource. More...
class  ValueChangeParser
 This class is responsible for parsing constant definitions, variable definitions, variable change instructions, and alias definitions. More...
class  ValueParser
 A class for parsing const values. More...
class  VertexNode
 This class represents elements in a program tree. More...


typedef boost::shared_ptr
< FunctionGraph
typedef boost::weak_ptr
< FunctionGraph
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ParsedStateMachine
typedef boost::weak_ptr
< ParsedStateMachine
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ProgramInterface
typedef boost::weak_ptr
< ProgramInterface
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ProgramService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< StateMachine
typedef boost::weak_ptr
< StateMachine
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< StateMachineService


enum  vertex_command_t { vertex_command }
enum  vertex_exec_t { vertex_exec }


void DumpObject (Service::shared_ptr peer)

Detailed Description

Parser code for the Orocos real-time scripting language.