I want to use a lua script to specify the behaviour of a cpp component. To do this, I have a script connect.ops with the following lines :
loadComponent("ComponentA","NamespaceA::ComponentA") loadService("ComponentA","Lua") ComponentA.Lua.exec_file("fsm.lua") ComponentA.configure() ComponentA.start()
with fsm.lua (using rfsm) as in the cookbook : http://www.orocos.org/wiki/orocos/toolchain/luacookbook
To start it, I launch the following line : rosrun ocl deployer-gnulinux -s connect.ops
It runs without any error but i can't succeed to use the fsm in my deployer (nothing happens and I don't see any trace of my fsm). What do i need to do this?
Thank you,
Re: load a lua script in a cpp component with an ops script
I want to use a lua script to specify the behaviour of a cpp component. To do this, I have a script connect.ops with the following lines :
loadComponent("ComponentA","NamespaceA::ComponentA") loadService("ComponentA","Lua") ComponentA.Lua.exec_file("fsm.lua") ComponentA.configure() ComponentA.start()
with fsm.lua (using rfsm) as in the cookbook : http://www.orocos.org/wiki/orocos/toolchain/luacookbook
To start it, I launch the following line : rosrun ocl deployer-gnulinux -s connect.ops
It runs without any error but i can't succeed to use the fsm in my deployer (nothing happens and I don't see any trace of my fsm). What do i need to do this?
Thank you,
This is a really old question, but I'm about to venture into this same world and I wonder if Benoit ever got a response? Benoit, did you have any luck with this path?
(Sorry for the double post... I used the forum instead of email and didn't realize "Add new comment" and "Quote" were separate options. Apologies.)