I'm using the debian pkgs of orocos_toolchain for Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS
I noticed that both
are not working.
The definition of these functions is in:
There is a fix for the first problem on github, will it be included in
the indigo version of the debian pkgs?
The second does not work because of the elevated privileges problem
what is the use-case of this function?
I depend on code of others that use it everywhere,
but which fails once I do 'setcaps' on the orocos executables :(
Should I replace them all by
lua version of rospack_find
Hi Nick,
I just released ros-indigo-ocl version 2.8.2 that has the latest Lua fixes:
Actually we overlooked the rttros Lua module when we tried to move
everything that is related to ROS out of the core toolchain packages into
rtt_ros_integration <https://github.com/orocos/rtt_ros_integration> for the
2.7 release. I don't think it is necessary anymore for new code, as the
preferred way of finding ROS packages is the "find" operation in global
service "ros" installed by the rtt_rospack package:
path = rtt.provides("ros"):find("my_pkg")
I opened an issue for ocl here:
On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 9:52 AM, Dominick Vanthienen <
nick [dot] vanthienen [..] ...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using the debian pkgs of orocos_toolchain for Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS
> Indigo.
> I noticed that both
> $rttros.find_rospack(package)
> and
> $rttros.find_rospack_roslua(package)
> are not working.
> The definition of these functions is in:
> /opt/ros/indigo/share/lua/5.1/rttros.lua
> There is a fix for the first problem on github, will it be included in
> the indigo version of the debian pkgs?
> The second does not work because of the elevated privileges problem
> (
> http://www.orocos.org/forum/orocos/orocos-users/lua-fixing-broken-rttros...
> ):
> what is the use-case of this function?
> I depend on code of others that use it everywhere,
> but which fails once I do 'setcaps' on the orocos executables :(
> Should I replace them all by
> $rttros.find_rospack(package)
> or
> $rtt.provides("ros"):find(package)
> ?
> Nick
> --
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