Hello everybody,
I've created the following program which connects to an etherCAT stack. The ports are connected to the SoemMaster component.
When I run this code, the analog output does send out an output voltage of 5 volt. However the digital out does not enable the first port.
I can manually enable them by typing SoemMaster.Slave_100b.switchOn(0) in the deployer.
Thanks in advance for your help!
#include <rtt/TaskContext.hpp> #include <rtt/Port.hpp> #include <ocl/Component.hpp> #include <soem_beckhoff_drivers/AnalogMsg.h> #include <soem_beckhoff_drivers/DigitalMsg.h> using namespace RTT; using namespace soem_beckhoff_drivers; using namespace std; class TestProgram : public RTT::TaskContext { private: OutputPort<AnalogMsg> analog_out_port; OutputPort<DigitalMsg> digital_out_port; AnalogMsg amsg; DigitalMsg dmsg; std::vector< float, std::allocator<float> > analogvalues; std::vector< uint8_t, std::allocator<uint8_t> > digitalvalues; public: TestProgram(const std::string& name) : TaskContext(name), //Naming the _ports and variables analog_out_port("analog_out"), digital_out_port("digital_out") { addPort(analog_out_port); addPort(digital_out_port); analogvalues.assign(8,0.0); digitalvalues.assign(8,0.0); } ~TestProgram(){} private: bool startHook() { // Writing an analog msg, thirth output becomes 5V. analogvalues[3] = 5.0; amsg.values = analogvalues; analog_out_port.write(amsg); // Writing a digital msg to enable the first digital out. digitalvalues[1] = 1; dmsg.values = digitalvalues; digital_out_port.write(dmsg); return true; } }; ORO_CREATE_COMPONENT(TestProgram)
Sending digital message to SoemMaster
On Monday 06 December 2010 13:03:42 t [dot] t [dot] g [dot] clephas [..] ... wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I've created the following program which connects to an etherCAT stack. The
> ports are connected to the SoemMaster component.
> When I run this code, the analog output does send out an output voltage of
> 5 volt. However the digital out does not enable the first port.
> I can manually enable them by typing SoemMaster.Slave_100b.switchOn(0) in
> the deployer.
Just to exclude the obvious: you *are* sending the output to the correct
digital channel, aren't you ? The code below sets the second channel:
digitalvalues[1] = 1;
Sending digital message to SoemMaster
The code in startup.ops is:
and with SoemMaster.Slave_100b.switchOn(0) it works.
So yes, the output is send to the correct digital channel.
The total package can be found in:
RE: Sending digital message to SoemMaster
The code in startup.ops is:
The total package can be found in: https://amigo.wtb.tue.nl/svn/amigo/dev/Tim/orocos_test_package/
Sending digital message to SoemMaster
Hello everybody,
I've created the following program which connects to an etherCAT stack. The ports are connected to the SoemMaster component.
When I run this code, the analog output does send out an output voltage of 5 volt. However the digital out does not enable the first port.
I can manually enable them by typing SoemMaster.Slave_100b.switchOn(0) in the deployer.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Sending digital message to SoemMaster
Hello everybody,
I've created the following program which connects to an etherCAT stack. The ports are connected to the SoemMaster component.
When I run this code, the analog output does send out an output voltage of 5 volt. However the digital out does not enable the first port.
I can manually enable them by typing SoemMaster.Slave_100b.switchOn(0) in the deployer.
Thanks in advance for your help!