Huge memory loss with typekits


I was checking my memory usage for a very simple component which loads a lot
of typekits. Valgrind told me I had lost quite some memory just by loading
the component and typekits and quitting. Attached is the output of valgrind
ran with --leak-check=full.


valgrind.txt134.96 KB

Huge memory loss with typekits

On Monday 02 August 2010 13:59:12 Ruben Smits wrote:
> Hi,
> I was checking my memory usage for a very simple component which loads a
> lot of typekits. Valgrind told me I had lost quite some memory just by
> loading the component and typekits and quitting. Attached is the output of
> valgrind ran with --leak-check=full.

Thanks for reporting. Most/all of these are easy to fix and only concern
cleanup during process termination (ie no leak buildup). I'll recheck it
myself when the release build nears.
