idl files have changed the location in debian and derivatives


since 5.7.7 [1], the debian maintainers put the idl files in /usr/share/idl.
So, the FindTAO.cmake macro fails. This change probably will do that orocos
2.x will fail to compile in any debian derivative distro soon.

I'm playing a bit how to modify the macro, but I would like to ask first. Now
all works because the idl files are located in the default include directory,
so, files like rtt/rtt/transports/corba/Service.idl with:

#include <tao/orb.idl>

now compiles. But we should add /usr/share/idl to the include directories
because if not, it will fail if the user has ace version > 5.7.7 in a debian
derivative distro.

So, what do you think to modify the FindTAO.cmake to find the idl path and add
it to the include directories?




idl files have changed the location in debian and derivatives

On Wednesday 06 October 2010 19:56:46 Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
> Hi,
> since 5.7.7 [1], the debian maintainers put the idl files in
> /usr/share/idl. So, the FindTAO.cmake macro fails. This change probably
> will do that orocos 2.x will fail to compile in any debian derivative
> distro soon.

Thanks for letting us know.

> I'm playing a bit how to modify the macro, but I would like to ask first.
> Now all works because the idl files are located in the default include
> directory, so, files like rtt/rtt/transports/corba/Service.idl with:
> #include <tao/orb.idl>
> now compiles. But we should add /usr/share/idl to the include directories
> because if not, it will fail if the user has ace version > 5.7.7 in a
> debian derivative distro.
> So, what do you think to modify the FindTAO.cmake to find the idl path and
> add it to the include directories?

I certainly agree to do this. In order to do this portably, we need to add a

find_path(TAO_IDL_PATH tao/orb.idl ${TAO_IDL_HINTS})

and pass TAO_IDL_PATH to the idl compiler (with -I). The TAO_IDL_HINTS will be
set using TAO_ROOT ( HINTS ${TAO_ROOT}/TAO ) or a 'sane' default, like

set (TAO_IDL_HINTS PATH "/usr/include" "/usr/share/idl")

(hard coded paths are put in 'PATH', hints derived from TAO_ROOT are put in
'HINTS') -- see the cmake docs of find_path
