problem deployer init.c

Dear developers,

When we try to start the deployer like this:
sudo /usr/local/orocos/bin/deployer-lxrt --start deuropenen.xml

We get the following error: Segmentation Fault(core dumped)
We used ddd to analyze the error, but the application didn't even read the xml-file. It tells us we need init.c
Init.c is not a known file to us.

Has anyone experienced the same error?


problem deployer init.c

On Mar 2, 2009, at 08:22 , kenboumans [..] ... wrote:

> Dear developers,
> When we try to start the deployer like this:
> sudo /usr/local/orocos/bin/deployer-lxrt --start deuropenen.xml
> We get the following error: Segmentation Fault(core dumped)
> We used ddd to analyze the error, but the application didn't even
> read the xml-file. It tells us we need init.c
> Init.c is not a known file to us.
> Has anyone experienced the same error?

Are you sure the build of RTT and OCL was consistent? I often get
funky errors like this when I build OCL against an older version of
RTT (say I updated/rebuilt only RTT and not OCL)

problem deployer init.c

On Monday 02 March 2009 22:21:29 S Roderick wrote:
> On Mar 2, 2009, at 08:22 , kenboumans [..] ... wrote:
> > Dear developers,
> >
> > When we try to start the deployer like this:
> > sudo /usr/local/orocos/bin/deployer-lxrt --start deuropenen.xml
> >
> > We get the following error: Segmentation Fault(core dumped)
> > We used ddd to analyze the error, but the application didn't even
> > read the xml-file. It tells us we need init.c
> > Init.c is not a known file to us.
> >
> > Has anyone experienced the same error?
> Are you sure the build of RTT and OCL was consistent? I often get
> funky errors like this when I build OCL against an older version of
> RTT (say I updated/rebuilt only RTT and not OCL)

Apart from that, we clearly need a wiki page that tells people how to debug
Orocos components or applications. Since the debugger connects to deployer,
but the bug is in a dynamically loaded component, gdb does not find the
'sources' automatically. We have good results with Eclipse, but it requires
some one-time preparation.

Just a quick summing up:
* tell gdb where to find the executable (deployer-gnulinux)
* tell gdb where to look for libraries (your component libs)
* tell gdb where to look for sources (your component sources)

Next set a breakpoint in your component, and it should be found&hit.
