Hello world

I am using Orocos for a few hours.
I am reading Orocos Component Builder's Manual ver 1.4.99
I have installed Orocos rtt and ocl.
I am trying to do "Hello world" (first example), but after make (no problem with this one), there is no an executable file created, so I can't work with Orocos.

I know that this doubt is done for a dummy guy, but I have been trying to run for a couple of hours, and I can't do anything.


Hello world

On Wednesday 17 September 2008 20:42:45 hiramik [..] ... wrote:
> I am using Orocos for a few hours.
> I am reading Orocos Component Builder's Manual ver 1.4.99
> I have installed Orocos rtt and ocl.
> I am trying to do "Hello world" (first example), but after make (no problem
> with this one), there is no an executable file created, so I can't work
> with Orocos.

How did you install OCL ? From source or using Debian packages ? It is not
included in Debian packages (yet).

If from source. Use "ccmake .." in your build directory to enable the
BUILD_HELLOWORLD flag. Press 'c', press 'g' and then re-try.
Or if that does not work, change the helloworld/CMakeLists.txt file to read on

I was surprised myself that this component was not built by default... I'll
fix this on trunk.
