
A page describing an Orocos application.

Human demonstration

3D Motion tracking

Visual Servoing with the Orocos Project

Image Based Visual Servoing using RTT 1.0

At KULeuven we succesfully succeeded in doing some real experiments showing image-based visual servoing. Every part of the application is created with RTTs TaskContext. The setup consists of a hacked industrial Kuka-361 robot, a firewire camera attached to the robots end-effector and a Pentium IV PC.

Motion control over realtime ethernet

The first example shows a prototype realtime control application using Krypton's 6D measurement device K600 CMM. (Click the images for MPEG videos.) The K600 measurement device consists of three linear cameras that measure the 3D coordinates of pulsed infrared LEDs. The spatial accuracy is in the order of 10 to 100 microns, in a workspace of several meters in depth.