Orocos / Yarp interface

Hi all,

I am using Orocos on an autonomous rotorcraft involved in multi-robot mission. The communication framework used in this context is YARP. Hence I have to export some of my Orocos ports to YARP.

Is anybody working on such a binding?

I have seen that an Orocos / ROS binding exists. Could I have some tips to make something similar for YARP?
I have understood that Orocos ports are exported to ROS... but can ROS components update Orocos ports (and then modify Orocos components behaviors)?

How this binding could be done for last 1.8 version of Orocos and still be portable to future 2.0 version?



Ruben Smits's picture

Orocos / Yarp interface

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 10:45 AM,
charles [dot] lesire [..] ...<charles [dot] lesire [..] ...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using Orocos on an autonomous rotorcraft involved in multi-robot mission. The communication framework used in this context is YARP. Hence I have to export some of my Orocos ports to YARP.
> Is anybody working on such a binding?

Not that i know of.

> I have seen that an Orocos / ROS binding exists. Could I have some tips to make something similar for YARP?

You could look at the code of the orocos_ros integration package:
the code can be found through svn: svn co

The tricky part of the orocos_ros_integration package was the fact
that I wanted it to be a plug-in so that there was no recompilation
needed for the components.

The fastest way to make it work it to connect to the yarp
inputs/outputs in your component code. This should be fairly easy, I
think I have some code lying around that does this kind of connection
between YARP and orocos.

> I have understood that Orocos ports are exported to ROS... but can ROS components update Orocos ports (and then modify Orocos components behaviors)?

Yes, both input and output are supported.

> How this binding could be done for last 1.8 version of Orocos and still be portable to future 2.0 version?

This will probably not be possible because the dataports are going to
be changed in the future 2.0 version. I hope the changes for the
integration package will however be minor (fingers crossed).
