
Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
[Bug 1015] New: Scripting incorrectly processes complex conditional in while() statement 0 7 years 33 weeks ago
by snrkiwi
[Bug 1014] New: size field doesn't get filled in when creating a string[] variable fromtab 2 7 years 37 weeks ago
by dominick.vanthienen
7 years 37 weeks ago
by markus.klotzbuecher
[Bug 1013] New: getOperation fails 0 7 years 38 weeks ago
by markus.klotzbuecher
[Bug 1012] New: CMake issues with newer Xenomai custom installs. 1 7 years 38 weeks ago
by peter
7 years 36 weeks ago
by peter
[Bug 1011] New: KDL Tree.NrOfSegments() and SegmentMap.size() disagreement 1 7 years 38 weeks ago
by earldarrenj
7 years 38 weeks ago
by earldarrenj
[Bug 1010] New: weighted positional solver ( ChainIkSolverPos_NR_JL_WE ) 0 7 years 39 weeks ago
by __jf
[Bug 1009] New: error: ‘T_PRIMARY’ was not declared in this scope 2 7 years 40 weeks ago
by Davide Faconti
7 years 40 weeks ago
by peter
[Bug 1008] New: Rotation.GetRotAngle() returns invalid vector for 180 degree rotation 3 7 years 40 weeks ago
by johannesschrimpf
7 years 39 weeks ago
by johannesschrimpf
[Bug 1007] New: Rotation.GetRot returns invalid x/y/z values for 180 degree rotations 4 7 years 40 weeks ago
by johannesschrimpf
7 years 39 weeks ago
by johannesschrimpf
[Bug 1006] New: Jacobian missing EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW 1 7 years 40 weeks ago
by andy.somerville
7 years 17 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
[Bug 1005] New: wrong #ifndef in chainiksolvervel_pinv_nso.hpp 1 7 years 40 weeks ago
by marioprats
7 years 40 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
[Bug 1004] New: accessing PropertyBag values that are nested in a service fails 1 7 years 41 weeks ago
by Johannes Meyer
7 years 41 weeks ago
by peter
[Bug 1003] New: Fix Reporting oneshot/snapshot mode 1 7 years 41 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
7 years 41 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
[Bug 1002] New: Unable to read netcdf report while netcdfreporter is running 1 7 years 42 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
7 years 41 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
[Bug 1001] New: Deployer claims to override existing component type but does not. 2 7 years 42 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
7 years 42 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
[Bug 1000] New: Some enhancements for rtt_ros_integration 2 7 years 44 weeks ago
by Johannes Meyer
7 years 44 weeks ago
by Johannes Meyer
[ANN] rFSM Statecharts released 0 9 years 26 weeks ago
by markus.klotzbuecher
[ANN] Release of Bugzilla 3.0.3 (fwd) 0 12 years 34 weeks ago
by klaas
[ANN] autoproj updated ! 0 9 years 34 weeks ago
by Sylvain Joyeux
[ANN] autoproj 1.8.2 has been released ! 0 7 years 43 weeks ago
by Sylvain Joyeux
[ANNOUNCE] RTT and OCL v1.8.0 Released 0 11 years 28 weeks ago
by sspr
[ANNOUNCE] RTT and OCL v1.6.1 released 0 11 years 32 weeks ago
by sspr
[ANNOUNCE] Real-Time Toolkit v1.2.0 released 0 13 years 16 weeks ago
by sspr
[ANNOUNCE] Real-Time Toolkit and Orocos Component Library 1.4.0 released 0 12 years 40 weeks ago
by sspr
[ANNOUNCE] Real-Time Toolkit 1.2.1 released 0 13 years 9 weeks ago
by sspr