
Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
[Gitorious] Activity: psoetens pushed 3 commits to master... 0 9 years 51 weeks ago
by Gitorious
[git] orocos-rtt.git master branch reset again :-( 0 11 years 33 weeks ago
by sspr
[GSOC]Please review and contribute to project application form 0 11 years 25 weeks ago
by sspr
[KDL] Added some introspection to Path_Composite and Path_RoundedComposite 0 8 years 12 weeks ago
by Erwin Aertbelien
[KDL] Patch: Append .so version to kdl/kdltk library 1 13 years 16 weeks ago
by sspr
13 years 16 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
[KDL] Updated 'roadmap'... 1 12 years 2 weeks ago
by bruyninc
12 years 2 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
[KDL] What happened to motion/trajectory_composite.h ? 4 13 years 17 weeks ago
by sspr
13 years 17 weeks ago
by Erwin Aertbelien
[Lua] compiler warnings 1 9 years 37 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
9 years 37 weeks ago
by markus.klotzbuecher
[OCL 2.0] name change of ocl/ComponentLoader.hpp to ocl/Component.hpp 2 10 years 9 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
10 years 9 weeks ago
by peter
[OCL v1] [git pull] Support loading/unloading of component groups 8 9 years 45 weeks ago
by snrkiwi
9 years 42 weeks ago
by markus.klotzbuecher
[OCL v2] [git pull] Support loading/unloading of component groups 3 9 years 45 weeks ago
by snrkiwi
9 years 45 weeks ago
by snrkiwi
[OCL:Reporting] Patch to enable reporting of ports nested in services 2 9 years 38 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
9 years 37 weeks ago
by peter
[OCL] Component guidelines 3 12 years 33 weeks ago
by sspr
12 years 33 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
[OCL] Default property filename 2 11 years 21 weeks ago
by klaas
11 years 21 weeks ago
by klaas
[OCL] PerformerMk2 1 12 years 41 weeks ago
by sspr
12 years 39 weeks ago
by Ruben Smits
[Orca-robotics-devel] notes on ICRA'07 2 13 years 18 weeks ago
by bruyninc
13 years 17 weeks ago
by amak4609@mail.u...
[Orocos] Component Interface 3 12 years 45 weeks ago
by sspr
12 years 45 weeks ago
by Vandenbroucke Sander
[OT] Orocos programmer job available... 0 11 years 48 weeks ago
by bruyninc
[patch] Add ARMv6 and ARMv7 support 5 9 years 21 weeks ago
by phamelin
6 years 45 weeks ago
by phamelin
[PATCH] Add code coverge 6 9 years 25 weeks ago
by snrkiwi
9 years 25 weeks ago
by snrkiwi
[PATCH] add division operator and diff/addDelta global ops 0 9 years 15 weeks ago
by markus.klotzbuecher
[PATCH] add getName to OperationInterfacePart 134 9 years 46 weeks ago
by markus.klotzbuecher
9 years 44 weeks ago
by markus.klotzbuecher
[PATCH] add lua system dependency 2 9 years 37 weeks ago
by markus.klotzbuecher
9 years 37 weeks ago
by markus.klotzbuecher
[Patch] Add real-time logging output string stream 5 9 years 31 weeks ago
by phamelin
9 years 25 weeks ago
by snrkiwi
[patch] Build failed: typelib: failed in build phase 1 10 years 5 days ago
by peter
10 years 6 hours ago
by peter