- Development
- European Robotics Forum 2011 Workshop on the Orocos Toolchain
- European Robotics Forum 2012: workshops
- Geometric relations semantics
- KDL wiki
- Kuka LBR user group
- Links of Orocos components
- OCL v1.x wiki
- RTT v1.x wiki
- Documentation suggestions
- Examples and Tutorials
- Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
- Installation
- RTT Dictionary
- RTT on MS Windows
- The 1st RTT Developers Workshop
- The Road to RTT 2.0
- Goals for RTT 2.0
- Contribute! Which weakness have you detected in RTT?
- Contribute! Suggest a new feature to be included in RTT 2.0.
- Create Reference Application Architectures
- Detailed Roadmap
- Full distribution support
- RTT 2.0.0-beta1
- RTT 2.0.0-beta2
- RTT and OCL Cleanup
- Real time logging
- Redesign of the data flow interface
- Simplified, more robust default activities
- Streamlined Execution Flow API
- Upgrading from RTT 1.x to 2.0
- Using Eclipse and Orocos
- Using Git and Orocos
- Toolchain v2.x
- Wiki for site admins
- iTaSC wiki
Create Reference Application Architectures
In order to lower the learning curve, people are requesting often complete application examples which demonstrate well known application architectures such as kinematic robot control, application configuration from a central database or topic based data flow topologies.
1 Central Property Service (ROS like) This tasks sets up components such that they get the system wide configuration from a dedicated property server. The property server loads an XML file with all the values and other components query these values. Advanced components even extend the property server at places. A GUI is not included in this work package.
2 Universal Robot Controller (Using KDL, OCL, standard components) This application has a robot component to represent the robot hardware, a controller for joint space and cartesian space and a path planner. Users can start from this reference application to control their own robotic platform. A GUI is not included in this work package.
3 Topic based data flow (ROS and CORBA EventService like) A deployer can configure components as such that their ports are connected to 'global' topics for sending and receiving. This is similar to what many existing frameworks do today and may demonstrate how compatibility with these frameworks can be accomplished.
4 GUI communication with Orocos How a remote GUI could connect to a running application.
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