The Road to RTT 2.0

This Chapter collects all information about the migration to RTT 2.0. Nothing here is final, it's a scratch book to get us there. There are talk pages to discuss the contents of these pages.

These are the major work areas:

  • New Data Flow API, proposed by S. Joyeux
  • Streamlined Execution Flow API, proposed by P. Soetens (RTT::Message)
  • Full distribution support and cleanup (Events in CORBA)
  • Alternative Data Flow transport layer (non blocking).
  • Small tools for interacting with Components

If you want to contribute, you can post your comments in the following wiki pages. It will be (hopefully) more concise and straightforward compared with the developers Forum.

  • Which weakness have you detected in RTT?
  • Which features would you like to have in RTT 2.0?

These items are worked out on separate Wiki pages.

RTT and OCL 2.0 have been merged on the master branches of all official git repositories:

Stable releases are on different branches, for example toolchain-2.0: