Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AbsoluteEncoderSensorA sensor reading a single Absolute Encoder and converting the counter to a physical unit, with support for calibration
AliasCommandAnother name for a command
AnalogDriveA AnalogDrive Object converts a physical unit (position, torque,
AnalogEtherCATInputDeviceA test class which replaces a real device driver
AnalogEtherCATOutputDeviceA test class which replaces a real device driver
AnalogSensorA SensorInterface which reads its data from an analog channel
AxesComponentA Component which allows you to control Axis objects
AxisAxis is an example of how you can easily implement a generic axis using the Device Interfaces
CANBusA CAN Bus in its simplest (but effective) form, making use of nodeId() and other CAN functionalities to optimise and interpret the data flow
CANBusInterfaceAn interface describing a virtual CANBus
CANConfiguratorA Generic configuration class for sending multiple CANRequest 's on a bus and waiting for each answer
CANControllerInterfaceAn interface describing a generic CANController
CANDeviceInterfaceAn interface describing a generic CANDevice
CANDeviceRegistratorA helper class registering and deregistering a CANDevice from the bus
CANDummyDeviceA dummy CANOpen device with node ID 255
CANListenerInterfaceA CANListenerInterface instance receives any message posted on the CAN bus
CANMessageA CAN message containing message sender and message data
CANPieControllerA Controller which interacts with the CANPie platform to address the physical controller
CANRequestA CAN Request contains a send CAN message and an (expected) answer CAN message
CaptureCameraThis class implements a TaskContext that grabs images from a firewire-camera using OpenCV
CartesianControllerPosThis class implements a TaskContext that controlls the end-effector frame of a robot
CartesianControllerPosVelThis class implements a TaskContext that controlls the end-effector frame of a robot
CartesianControllerVelThis class implements a TaskContext that controlls the end-effector frame of a robot
CartesianGeneratorPosThis class implements a TaskContext that creates a path in Cartesian space between the current cartesian position and a new desired cartesian position
ComediDeviceMinimal C++ API to a comedi device
ComediEncoderA class for reading an encoder using the comedi hardware abstraction layer
ComediPulseTrainGeneratorA class for generation of pulse trains using the comedi hardware abstraction layer
ComediSubDeviceAInThis logical device represents one subdevice of a Comedi device
ComediSubDeviceAOutThis logical device represents one subdevice of a Comedi device
ComediSubDeviceDInThis logical device represents one 'Digital Input' subdevice of a Comedi device
ComediSubDeviceDOutThis logical device represents one subdevice of a Comedi device
ComediThreadScopeA ThreadScope implementatation for Comedi Digital Outputs
CommandCommand pattern
ComponentDataEach configured component is stored in a struct like this
ComponentFactoriesA global variable storing all component factories added with ORO_LIST_COMPONENT_TYPE
ComponentLoader< C >A helper class storing a single component factory
ConnectionDataAssembles all ports which share a connection
ConsoleReportingA component which writes data reports to a console
CpStruct_CANCAN message structure
DataRecord(Machine dependend) message that is send by this server
DatasenderThis class manages the connection with one single client
DemotoolThis class implements a TaskContext to use with the demonstration tool in the RoboticLab, PMA, dept
DeploymentComponentA Component for deploying (configuring) other components in an application
DeviceInfoThis class stores a comedi_t struct
DigitalEtherCATInputDeviceA Digital Input Device
DigitalEtherCATOutputDeviceA Fake (Simulated) Digital Input/Output Device which replicates the inputs on its outputs
EmergencyStopThis class implements a a software Emergency Stop
EncoderPositionSensorA sensor reading a single Encoder and converting the counter to a physical unit, with support for calibration
EncoderSSI_apci1710This class implements the EncoderInterface for an encoder on an apci1710 board
EncoderSSI_apci1710_boardAn EncoderSSI_apci1710_board is a 'data-refresh' class for an apci1710 board with 1 or more modules configured as SSI encoder inputs
EndLimitDetectorThis class represents a virtual Digital Input device with two bits denoting software end limit reaches
EtherCATEncoderAn EtherCAT Encoder (EL5101)
FakeAnalogDeviceA test class which replaces a real device driver
FakeDigitalDeviceA Fake (Simulated) Digital Input/Output Device which replicates the inputs on its outputs
FakeEncoderA Dummy Encoder implementation
FileReportingA component which writes data reports to a file
get_size< T >
HelloWorldEvery component inherits from the 'TaskContext' class
HMIConsoleOutputThis component can be used to display messages on the standard output
HomePositionDetectorThis class represents a virtual Digital Input device with three bits denoting the Homing Status
IncrementalEncoderSensorA sensor reading a single Incremental Encoder and converting the counter to a physical unit, with support for calibration
IOComponentThis Component uses the Orocos Device Interface for making IO available to other components through data ports and methods
Kuka160nAxesVelocityControllerThis class implements a TaskContext to use with the Kuka160 robot in the RoboticLab, PMA, dept
kuka361FwDynnfThis class can calculate the forward dynamics of the kuka 361
kuka361InvDynnfThis class can calculate the inverse dynamics of the kuka 361
Kuka361nAxesAccelerationControllerThis class implements a TaskContext that reads out the output acceleration dataports OCl::nAxesController and puts these output values in the driveValue dataports of an nAxesTorqueController
Kuka361nAxesTorqueControllerThis class implements a TaskContext to use with the Kuka361 robot in the RoboticLab, PMA, dept
Kuka361nAxesVelocityControllerThis class implements a TaskContext to use with the Kuka361 robot in the RoboticLab, PMA, dept
Kuka361TorqueSimulatorThis class simulates a torque controlled kuka361 using its dynamic model and updates the position and velocity sensor in the axis objects
LaserDistanceThis class implements a TaskContext which construct an interface to the automated Laser initialising a link to the digital IO PCI cards
LaserScannerThis class implements a TaskContext which construct an interface to the automated Laser initialising a link to the digital IO PCI cards
ListenThreadListenThread is a thread which waits for new incoming connections from clients
nAxesControllerPosThis component can control the positions of multiple axes
nAxesControllerPosVelThis component can control the positions of multiple axes
nAxesControllerPosVelAccThis component can control the accelerations of multiple axes
nAxesControllerVelThis component can control the velocities of multiple axes
nAxesGeneratorPosThis component generates paths between the current positions and new desired positions for multiple axes
nAxesGeneratorVelThis component generates paths between the current velocities and the new desired velocities for multiple axes, this velocities can be maintained or stopped
NAxesPositionViewerThis class implements a TaskContext that sends position values to the KDLViewer using an ACE-socket
nAxesVelocityControllerThis class implements a Taskcontext that simulates a robot with a configurable number of axes
NetcdfHeaderMarshallerA Marshaller for generating variables in a netcdf dataset
NetcdfMarshallerA Marshaller for writing data logs into the variables of a netcdf file
NetcdfReportingA component which writes data reports to a netCDF file
NiceHeaderMarshaller< o_stream >A Marshaller for generating headers usable for interpretation by plot programs
NodeGuardA class which encapsulates CAN node guarding when it runs
ParallelPortA Parallel port driver using Linux ioperm/outb
PCANControllerA Controller which interacts with the PCAN linux driver to address the physical controller
PerformerMK2nAxesVelocityControllerThis class implements a TaskContext to use with the PerformerMK2 robot in the RoboticLab, PMA, dept
RealCommandReal command which can be executed
RelayCardapci2200A C++ wrapper for the APCI 2200 digital relay card
ReportingComponentA Component for periodically reporting Component Port contents to a human readable text format
RTCANControllerA Controller which interacts with the Real-time CAN driver under Xenomai
SimulationAxisSimple implementation of a non-physical axis for simulation of a machine/robot
SimulationEncoderHelper class that implements a Position Sensor for a SimulationAxis
SimulationVelocitySensorHelper class that implements a Velocity Sensor for a SimulationAxis
SocketCANControllerA Controller which interacts with the socket CAN linux driver
SocketMarshallerMarshaller which sends data to multiple sockets
StaubliRX130nAxesVelocityControllerThis class implements a TaskContext to use with the StaubliRX130 robot in the RoboticLab, PMA, dept
stdvector_ctor< T >
stdvector_ctor2< T >
stdvector_index< T >
stdvector_varargs_ctor< T >See NArityDataSource which requires a function object like this one
StdVectorBuilder< T >Constructs an array with n elements, which are given upon construction time
StdVectorTemplateTypeInfo< T, has_ostream >
SwitchDigitalInapci1032A physical device class for reading our digital input card
SyncWriterA class which writes a sync message to the bus when it is run
TaskBrowserThis component allows a text client to browse the peers of a peer TaskContext and execute commands
TcpReportingA component which writes data reports to a tcp/ip socket
TcpReportingInterpreterReads a line from the client and interprete it
TemplateDigitalInA utility class to create a DigitalInInterface from 0 to 32 bits
TemplateDigitalOutA thread-safe class to create a DigitalOutInterface from 0 to 32 bits
TemplateRegister< RegType, Size, BaseAddress_ >A Template to construct register-accessor functions for memory-mapped devices
TemplateRegister< RegType, Size, 0 >A Template to construct register-accessor functions for memory-mapped devices, which address is only known at run-time
TimeoutCatcherHelper class for catching the virtual timeout function of Timer
TimerComponentA Component interface to the Real-Time Toolkit's timer
TorqueSimulationAxisSimple implementation of a non-physical axis for simulation of a machine/robot
TorqueSimulationCurrentSensorHelper class that implements a Current Sensor for a TorqueSimulationAxis
TorqueSimulationEncoderHelper class that implements a Position Sensor for a TorqueSimulationAxis
TorqueSimulationVelocitySensorHelper class that implements a Velocity Sensor for a TorqueSimulationAxis
WrenchSensorThis class implements a TaskContext that communicates with a JR3-WrenchSensor
Generated on Thu Dec 23 15:05:28 2010 for OrocosComponentLibrary by  doxygen 1.6.3