AbsoluteEncoderSensor | A sensor reading a single Absolute Encoder and converting the counter to a physical unit, with support for calibration |
AliasCommand | Another name for a command |
AnalogDrive | A AnalogDrive Object converts a physical unit (position, torque, |
AnalogEtherCATInputDevice | A test class which replaces a real device driver |
AnalogEtherCATOutputDevice | A test class which replaces a real device driver |
AnalogSensor | A SensorInterface which reads its data from an analog channel |
AxesComponent | A Component which allows you to control Axis objects |
Axis | Axis is an example of how you can easily implement a generic axis using the Device Interfaces |
AxisInfo | |
BaseVelocityController | |
BaudRateChangeException | |
CalibratedWrenchSensor | |
CANBus | A CAN Bus in its simplest (but effective) form, making use of nodeId() and other CAN functionalities to optimise and interpret the data flow |
CANBusInterface | An interface describing a virtual CANBus |
CANConfigurator | A Generic configuration class for sending multiple CANRequest 's on a bus and waiting for each answer |
CANControllerInterface | An interface describing a generic CANController |
CANDeviceInterface | An interface describing a generic CANDevice |
CANDeviceRegistrator | A helper class registering and deregistering a CANDevice from the bus |
CANDummyDevice | A dummy CANOpen device with node ID 255 |
CANListenerInterface | A CANListenerInterface instance receives any message posted on the CAN bus |
CANMessage | A CAN message containing message sender and message data |
CANPieController | A Controller which interacts with the CANPie platform to address the physical controller |
CANRequest | A CAN Request contains a send CAN message and an (expected) answer CAN message |
CaptureCamera | This class implements a TaskContext that grabs images from a firewire-camera using OpenCV |
CartesianControllerPos | This class implements a TaskContext that controlls the end-effector frame of a robot |
CartesianControllerPosVel | This class implements a TaskContext that controlls the end-effector frame of a robot |
CartesianControllerVel | This class implements a TaskContext that controlls the end-effector frame of a robot |
CartesianGeneratorPos | This class implements a TaskContext that creates a path in Cartesian space between the current cartesian position and a new desired cartesian position |
CartesianVelocityController | |
Client | |
ClientHandler | |
CombinedDigitalOutInterface | |
comcol | |
ComediDevice | Minimal C++ API to a comedi device |
ComediEncoder | A class for reading an encoder using the comedi hardware abstraction layer |
ComediPulseTrainGenerator | A class for generation of pulse trains using the comedi hardware abstraction layer |
ComediSubDeviceAIn | This logical device represents one subdevice of a Comedi device |
ComediSubDeviceAOut | This logical device represents one subdevice of a Comedi device |
ComediSubDeviceDIn | This logical device represents one 'Digital Input' subdevice of a Comedi device |
ComediSubDeviceDOut | This logical device represents one subdevice of a Comedi device |
ComediThreadScope | A ThreadScope implementatation for Comedi Digital Outputs |
Command | Command pattern |
ComponentData | Each configured component is stored in a struct like this |
ComponentFactories | A global variable storing all component factories added with ORO_LIST_COMPONENT_TYPE |
ComponentLoader | |
ComponentLoader< C > | A helper class storing a single component factory |
ConnectionData | Assembles all ports which share a connection |
ConsoleReporting | A component which writes data reports to a console |
CorbaDeploymentComponent | |
CpStruct_CAN | CAN message structure |
CRSnAxesVelocityController | |
DataRecord | (Machine dependend) message that is send by this server |
Datasender | This class manages the connection with one single client |
Demotool | This class implements a TaskContext to use with the demonstration tool in the RoboticLab, PMA, dept |
DeploymentComponent | A Component for deploying (configuring) other components in an application |
DeviceInfo | This class stores a comedi_t struct |
DigitalEtherCATInputDevice | A Digital Input Device |
DigitalEtherCATOutputDevice | A Fake (Simulated) Digital Input/Output Device which replicates the inputs on its outputs |
EmergencyStop | This class implements a a software Emergency Stop |
EncoderPositionSensor | A sensor reading a single Encoder and converting the counter to a physical unit, with support for calibration |
EncoderSSI_apci1710 | This class implements the EncoderInterface for an encoder on an apci1710 board |
EncoderSSI_apci1710_board | An EncoderSSI_apci1710_board is a 'data-refresh' class for an apci1710 board with 1 or more modules configured as SSI encoder inputs |
EndLimitDetector | This class represents a virtual Digital Input device with two bits denoting software end limit reaches |
EthercatDemoIO | |
EtherCATEncoder | An EtherCAT Encoder (EL5101) |
EthercatIO | |
Exception | |
FakeAnalogDevice | A test class which replaces a real device driver |
FakeDigitalDevice | A Fake (Simulated) Digital Input/Output Device which replicates the inputs on its outputs |
FakeEncoder | A Dummy Encoder implementation |
FatalMeasurementException | |
FileReporting | A component which writes data reports to a file |
gcodeReceiver | |
get_size< T > | |
Gripper | |
HelloWorld | Every component inherits from the 'TaskContext' class |
HMIConsoleOutput | This component can be used to display messages on the standard output |
HomePositionDetector | This class represents a virtual Digital Input device with three bits denoting the Homing Status |
IncrementalEncoderSensor | A sensor reading a single Incremental Encoder and converting the counter to a physical unit, with support for calibration |
InvalidResolutionException | |
IOComponent | This Component uses the Orocos Device Interface for making IO available to other components through data ports and methods |
IOException | |
IOPerm_not_allowed | |
IP_Digital_24_DOutInterface | |
IP_Encoder_6_EncInterface | |
IP_Encoder_6_Task | |
IP_FastDAC_AOutInterface | |
IP_OptoInput_DInInterface | |
keycol | |
KryptonK600Sensor | |
Kuka160nAxesVelocityController | This class implements a TaskContext to use with the Kuka160 robot in the RoboticLab, PMA, dept |
Kuka361DWHConvertor | |
kuka361FwDynnf | This class can calculate the forward dynamics of the kuka 361 |
kuka361InvDynnf | This class can calculate the inverse dynamics of the kuka 361 |
Kuka361Kinematics | |
Kuka361nAxesAccelerationController | This class implements a TaskContext that reads out the output acceleration dataports OCl::nAxesController and puts these output values in the driveValue dataports of an nAxesTorqueController |
Kuka361nAxesTorqueController | This class implements a TaskContext to use with the Kuka361 robot in the RoboticLab, PMA, dept |
Kuka361nAxesVelocityController | This class implements a TaskContext to use with the Kuka361 robot in the RoboticLab, PMA, dept |
Kuka361TorqueSimulator | This class simulates a torque controlled kuka361 using its dynamic model and updates the position and velocity sensor in the axis objects |
LaserDistance | This class implements a TaskContext which construct an interface to the automated Laser initialising a link to the digital IO PCI cards |
LaserScanner | This class implements a TaskContext which construct an interface to the automated Laser initialising a link to the digital IO PCI cards |
ListenThread | ListenThread is a thread which waits for new incoming connections from clients |
ModeFailureException | |
nAxesControllerPos | This component can control the positions of multiple axes |
nAxesControllerPosVel | This component can control the positions of multiple axes |
nAxesControllerPosVelAcc | This component can control the accelerations of multiple axes |
nAxesControllerVel | This component can control the velocities of multiple axes |
nAxesGeneratorPos | This component generates paths between the current positions and new desired positions for multiple axes |
nAxesGeneratorVel | This component generates paths between the current velocities and the new desired velocities for multiple axes, this velocities can be maintained or stopped |
NAxesPositionViewer | This class implements a TaskContext that sends position values to the KDLViewer using an ACE-socket |
nAxesVelocityController | This class implements a Taskcontext that simulates a robot with a configurable number of axes |
NetcdfHeaderMarshaller | A Marshaller for generating variables in a netcdf dataset |
NetcdfMarshaller | A Marshaller for writing data logs into the variables of a netcdf file |
NetcdfReporting | A component which writes data reports to a netCDF file |
NiceHeaderMarshaller< o_stream > | A Marshaller for generating headers usable for interpretation by plot programs |
NodeGuard | A class which encapsulates CAN node guarding when it runs |
ParallelPort | A Parallel port driver using Linux ioperm/outb |
PCANController | A Controller which interacts with the PCAN linux driver to address the physical controller |
PerformerMK2nAxesVelocityController | This class implements a TaskContext to use with the PerformerMK2 robot in the RoboticLab, PMA, dept |
RealCommand | Real command which can be executed |
RegisterException | |
RelayCardapci2200 | A C++ wrapper for the APCI 2200 digital relay card |
ReportingComponent | A Component for periodically reporting Component Port contents to a human readable text format |
ResolutionFailureException | |
RTCANController | A Controller which interacts with the Real-time CAN driver under Xenomai |
RTCANControllerPrivate | |
s16Forces | |
SickLMS200 | |
SimulationAxis | Simple implementation of a non-physical axis for simulation of a machine/robot |
SimulationEncoder | Helper class that implements a Position Sensor for a SimulationAxis |
SimulationVelocitySensor | Helper class that implements a Velocity Sensor for a SimulationAxis |
Socket | |
SocketCANController | A Controller which interacts with the socket CAN linux driver |
SocketCANControllerPrivate | |
SocketMarshaller | Marshaller which sends data to multiple sockets |
StartFailureException | |
StaubliRX130nAxesVelocityController | This class implements a TaskContext to use with the StaubliRX130 robot in the RoboticLab, PMA, dept |
stdvector_ctor< T > | |
stdvector_ctor2< T > | |
stdvector_index< T > | |
stdvector_varargs_ctor< T > | See NArityDataSource which requires a function object like this one |
StdVectorBuilder< T > | Constructs an array with n elements, which are given upon construction time |
StdVectorTemplateTypeInfo< T, has_ostream > | |
StopFailureException | |
SwitchDigitalInapci1032 | A physical device class for reading our digital input card |
SyncWriter | A class which writes a sync message to the bus when it is run |
TaskBrowser | This component allows a text client to browse the peers of a peer TaskContext and execute commands |
TcpReporting | A component which writes data reports to a tcp/ip socket |
TcpReportingInterpreter | Reads a line from the client and interprete it |
TemplateDigitalIn | A utility class to create a DigitalInInterface from 0 to 32 bits |
TemplateDigitalOut | A thread-safe class to create a DigitalOutInterface from 0 to 32 bits |
TemplateRegister< RegType, Size, BaseAddress_ > | A Template to construct register-accessor functions for memory-mapped devices |
TemplateRegister< RegType, Size, 0 > | A Template to construct register-accessor functions for memory-mapped devices, which address is only known at run-time |
TimeoutCatcher | Helper class for catching the virtual timeout function of Timer |
TimerComponent | A Component interface to the Real-Time Toolkit's timer |
titlecol | |
TorqueSimulationAxis | Simple implementation of a non-physical axis for simulation of a machine/robot |
TorqueSimulationCurrentSensor | Helper class that implements a Current Sensor for a TorqueSimulationAxis |
TorqueSimulationEncoder | Helper class that implements a Position Sensor for a TorqueSimulationAxis |
TorqueSimulationVelocitySensor | Helper class that implements a Velocity Sensor for a TorqueSimulationAxis |
VelocityReaderXY | |
WrenchSensor | This class implements a TaskContext that communicates with a JR3-WrenchSensor |
xyPlatformAxisHardware | |
xyPlatformAxisSimulation | |